在国际期刊与学术会议上发表论文100多篇,代表性论文: [1]Rong Yu,Xumin Huang,Jiawen Kang,Jiefei Ding,Sabita Maharjan,Stein Gjessing,Yan Zhang,Cooperative Resource Management in Cloud-Enabled Vehicular Networks,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2015,62(12):7938~7951. [2]Rong Yu,Jiefei Ding,Sabita Maharjan,Stein Gjessing,Yan Zhang,Danny Tsang,Decentralized and Optimal Resource Cooperation in Geo-distributed Mobile Cloud Computing,IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing,2015,6(1):72~84. [3]Rong Yu,Weifeng Zhong,Shengli Xie,Chau Yuen,Stein Gjessing,Yan Zhang,Balancing Power Demand Through EV Mobility in Vehicle-to-Grid Mobile Energy Networks,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2016,12(1):79~90. [4]Rong Yu,Jiawen Kang,Xumin Huang,Shengli Xie,Yan Zhang,Stein Gjessing,MixGroup: Accumulative Pseudonym Exchanging for Location Privacy Enhancement in Vehicular Social Networks,IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing,2016,13(1):93~105. [5]Rong Yu,Jiefei Ding,Xumin Huang,Ming-Tuo Zhou,Stein Gjessing,Yan Zhang,Optimal Resource Sharing in 5G-Enabled Vehicular Networks: A Matrix Game Approach,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,2016,65(10):7844~7856.
牵头起草3项国家标准,已于2013年颁布实施: [1]国家标准家庭网络:内部互联网关 [2]国家标准家庭网络:多媒体与数据网络通信协议 [3]国家标准家庭网络:终端设备规范音视频及多媒体设备
申请国家发明专利40多项,部分授权专利: [1]一种基于视频监控系统的双向认证方法ZL201510616278.6 [2]一种面向多服务对象的旋转门结构及其控制方法,ZL201510110552.2 [3]一种基于双开门的联锁控制机械结构及其控制方法ZL201510110535.9 [4]一种智能公交网络信息服务系统的实现方法ZL201410726425.0 [5]一种移动服务查询系统的隐私保护方法ZL201410699891.4
[1] Rong Yu, Y. Zhang, S. Gjessing, W. Xiaand K. Yang,“Toward Cloud-based Vehicular Networks with Efficient ResourceManagement”, IEEE Network Magazine, September/October, 2013.(SCI, EI)
[2] Rong Yu, Yan Zhang, Yi Liu, SteinGjessing, Mohsen Guizani,“Securing Cognitive Radio Networks against Primary User EmulationAttacks”, to appear in IEEE Network Magazine, 2013.(SCI, EI)
[3] Rong Yu, Chaorui Zhang, et al.,“HybridSpectrum Access in Cognitive Radio Based Smart Grid Communications Networks”, to appearin IEEE System Journal.(SCI, EI)
[4] Rong Yu, Yan Zhang, Yi Liu, ShengliXie, Lingyang Song and Mohsen Guizani,“Secondary Users Cooperationin Cognitive Radio Networks: Balancing Sensing Accuracy and Efficiency”, IEEEWireless Communications Magazine, vol.19, no.2, 2012, pp.2-9.(SCI, EI)
[5] Rong Yu, Yan Zhang, Stein Gjessing,Yuen Chau, Shengli Xie, Mohsen Guizani,“Cognitive Radio basedHierarchical Communication Architecture for Smart Grid”, IEEENetwork Magazine, vol.25, no.5, Sept./Oct. 2011(WUN CogCom BestPaper Award 2013)
[6] Rong Yu, Yan Zhang, Ruchao Gao,“Energy-Efficientand Reliability-Driven Cooperative Communications in Cognitive Body AreaNetworks”, Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), vol. 16, no. 6, 2011,pp. 733-744.(SCI, EI)
[7] Rong Yu, Yan Zhang, Ruchao Gao,Lingyang Song,“Sleeping Management for Scalable Topology Control in Wireless SensorNetworks”, Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC),vol.11, no.8, Aug. 2011, pp.1127-1139.(SCI, EI)
[8] Rong Yu, Yan Zhang, Lingyang Song,Wenqing Yao,“Joint Optimization of Power, Packet Forwarding and Reliability inMIMO Wireless Sensor Networks”, Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), vol. 16, no. 6, 2011,pp. 760-770.(SCI, EI)
[9] Rong Yu, Yan Zhang, Chujia Huang,Ruchao Gao,“Joint Admission and Rate Control for Multimedia Sharing in WirelessHome Networks,”Elsevier Computer Communications, vol. 33, no. 14, 1 Sep. 2010, pp.1632-1644(SCI, EI)
[10]Rong Yu, Yan Zhang, Ming Huang,“Cross-LayerOptimized Call Admission Control in Cognitive Radio Networks”, MobileNetworks and Applications (MONET), vol.15, no.5,2010, pp.610-626.(SCI, EI) 知识产权牵头起草3项国家标准:
[3]国家标准家庭网络:终端设备规范音视频及多媒体设备 授权/申请发明专利: