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◄ U4 R1
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课程简介 Course Information
视频:Course Introduction
B1U1 Lead-in: Ten habits of all successful people
B1U1 Reading 1_Watch for information
课件 B1U1 Reading1
B1U1 Text B lead in
课件 B1U1 Reading2
B1U1 Further Development-commencement speech made by Steven Jobs
B1U1 更多学习素材
视频 1.1 Recognition Academic Definitions
课件 1.1 Recognition of Academic Definition
练习 1.1 Components of an Academic Definition
视频 1.2 Categories of Academic Definition
课件 1.2 Categories of Academic Definition
练习 1.2 Decide whether the following statements are theoretical definition or operational ones.
视频 1.3 Evaluation of Academic Definition
课件 1.3 Evaluation of Academic Definition
练习 1.3 Decide whether the following definitions are valid or invalid.
课堂讨论 1) What do you know about academic definitions? 2) Find one definition of a technical term in your field, share in our In-class discussion, analyze and evaluate it based on what you have learned.
预习材料1:Social Media-Reading One
预习材料2:recordings of Reading 1
B1U2 Lead-in: Dictation
B1U2 Reading 1
U2 Reading 1_Watch for information
B1U2 Reading 2
B1U2 Further Development
U2 更多学习素材
视频 2.1 Definining Context Clues
课件 2.1 Definining Context Clues
视频 2.2.1 Using Definition (1)
课件 2.2.1 Using Definition (1)
练习 2.2.1 Deduce Meaning by Using Definitions (1)
视频 2.2.2 Using Definition (2)
课件 2.2.2 Using Definition (2)
练习 2.2.2 Deduce Meaning by Using Definitions (2)
视频 2.3 Using Examples
课件 2.3 Using Examples
课堂讨论:Context clues are helpful in defining new words in academic reading. Please illustrate with 2 examples
练习 2.3 Deduce Meaning by Examples
U2-words in Listening Activity
U2-Listen_The Rise of the Emoji
U2-words in Viewing Activity
U2-View_Connected, But Alone
视频 2.4 Using Synonyms Antonyms
课件 2.4 Using Synonyms Antonyms
练习 2.4 Deduce Meaning by Using Synonyms Antonyms
视频 2.5 Using Inferences
课件 2.5 Using Inferences
练习 2.5 Deduce Meaning by Making Inference
课堂讨论 Why do you think it is important to use context clues?
Assignment:Context Clues-Classroom Discussion
B1U3 lead-in-Adele Love You
B1U3 lead-in-8 Ways to Improve Parent Child Relationship.mp4
B1U3 reading 1
B1U3 reading 2
B1U3 further development
视频 3.1 Definition of a Main Idea
课件 3.1 Definition of a Main Idea
练习 3.1 Understanding a Main Idea
视频 3.2 Features of a Main Idea
课件 3.2 Features of a Main Idea
练习 3.2.1 A main idea statement
练习 3.2.2 An Implied or Stated Main Idea
视频 3.3 Supporting Details
课件 3.3 Supporting Details
练习 3.3 Supporting Details
课堂讨论 Please clarify the importance of distinguishing main idea and supporting details in a passage.
视频 3.4 Finding a Main Idea (1)
课件 3.4 Finding a Main Idea (1)
练习 3.4 Finding a Main Idea (1)
视频 3.5 Finding a Main Idea (2)
课件 3.5 Finding a Main Idea (2)
练习 3.5 Finding a Main Idea (2)
Review 3
预习材料1:Social Media-Reading Two
预习材料2:recordings of Reading 2
B1U4-Lead in-What do you choose today
B1U4-Lead in-What to major in college
U4 带字幕
U4 R1
B1U4-Reading 1
U4 R2
B1U4-Reading 2
新编大学英语 第四版 教学素材专栏 4
视频 4.1 Definition of a Fact
课件 4.1 Definition of a Fact
练习 4.1 Deciding on a 'Fact'
视频 4.2 Definition of an Opinion
课件 4.2 Definition of an Opinion
练习 4.2 Deciding on an 'Opinion'
视频 4.3 Differences between Facts and Opinions
课件 4.3 Differences between Facts and Opinions
练习 4.3 Differences between Facts and Opinions
课堂讨论问题How can the skills of distinguishing facts and opinions help you improve your understanding of a passage? Illustrate your views with an example.
预习材料1-录音-Unit 3-Reading 1
预习材料2-Unit 3-Reading 1-Text
4.4 Language of Fact and Opinion in Articles NEO
课件 4.4 Language of Fact and Opinion in Articles
练习 4.4 Facts or Opinions
视频 4.5 Signals of OPINION
课件 4.5 Signals of Opinion
练习 4.5 Signals of an Opinion
视频 4.6 Mixture of FACT and OPINION
课件 4.6 Mixture of Fact and Opinion
练习 4.6 Mixture of FACTs and OPINIONs
B1U5-Lead in
B1U5-Lead in-cultural differences between the USA and Europe~1
B1U5-Lead in-New York City Culture
B1U5-Reading 1
U5 R1-
B1U5-Reading 2
U5 R2
B1U5-Further development-Gestures around the world
B1U5-Further development-Coffee Types Explained
B1U5-Further development
视频 6.1 Recognition of Generalization
课件 6.1 Recognition of Generalisation
练习 6.1 Recognition of Generalisation
视频 6.2 Discourse Functions of Generalization
课件6.2 Discourse Fucntions of Generalisation
练习 6.2 Discourse Functions of Generalisation
视频 6.3 Evaluation of Generalization
课件6.3 How to evaluate a generalization
练习 6.3 Fallacies in Generalization
预习材料1-录音-U3-Reading 2
预习材料2-U3-Reading 2-Text
视频 7.1 Key Notions
课件 7.1 Key Notions
练习 7.1 Key Notions
视频 7.2 Fix-up Strategies – Repair Word Meaning
课件 7.2 Fix-up Strategies Repair Word Meaning
练习 7.2 & 7.3 文章下载
练习 7.2 Repairing word meaning
视频 7.3 Fix up Text Comprehension
课件 7.3 Fix Up Text Organisation
练习 7.3 Fix Up Text Comprehension
预习材料1-U5-Reading 1-课文录音
预习材料2-U5-Reading 1-课文
视频 8.1 Defining Text Structure
课件 8.1 Defining Text Structure
视频 8.2.1 The Structure of Explanation Texts
课件 8.2.1 The Structure of an Explanation Texts
练习 8.2.1 The Structure of an Explanation Text
练习 8.2.1 文章下载 Explanation 1 The Battle Against Malaria
视频 8.2.2 Reading the Structure of an Explanation
课件 8.2.2 Reading the Structure of an Explanation
练习 8.2.2 Reading the Structure of an Explanation
练习 8.2.2 文章下载 Explanation 2 Child Prodigies
视频 8.3.1 The Structure of Argument Texts
课件 8.3.1 The Structure of Argument Texts
练习 8.3.1 The Structure of Argument Texts
练习 8.3.1 文章下载 Argument 1 The Other Population Crisis
视频 8.3.2 Reading the Structure of an Argument
课件 8.3.2 Reading the Structure of an Argument
练习 8.3.2 Reading the Structure of an Argument
练习 8.3.2 文章下载 Argument 1 The Other Population Crisis
视频 8.4 The Structure of Discussion Texts
课件 8.4 The Structure of Discussion Texts
练习 8.4 The Structure of Discussion Texts
练习 8.4 文章下载 Discussion Hyperpolyglots
B1U4-Reading 1 ►