

SU Chunyi


School of Automation


Professor, Doctoral Tutor

Research Interests

robot and precision electromechanical system control

Home Page


Personal Introduction

As a national-appointed special expert, "Changjiang Scholar" Chair professor, "Guangdong Special Support Project" outstanding talent (Nanyue Baijie), he has long been engaged in the control of robots and mechatronic systems, and has achieved a series of original research results with international impact. In recent years, he has led and participated in a number of research projects including 973, 863, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the key technology research projects of strategic emerging industries in Guangdong Province. He has published more than 500 papers in prestigious journals and international conferences in his research field, with a SCI citation of more than 8700 times, many of which are listed as ESI highly cited papers. So far, Google Scholar has shown a citation of more than 14300 times, and Google Scholar h-Index is 61. He has served as Associate Editor for several flagship control journals including "IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control", "IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology " and Guest Editors for several journals, and is also on the editorial board of 18 internationally renowned publications. He has served as conference chairs and program committee chairs for nearly 30 international conferences including IEEE conferences. He is also a project evaluation expert for the Natural Science Award and National Science and Technology Progress Award.


1987-9 to 1990-5, Doctor, Control Theory and Application, South China University of Technology;

1984-9 to 1987-7, Master, Department of Automation, South China Institute of Technology;

1978-9 to 1982-7, Bachelor, Department of Automatic Control, Shanxi Institute of Mechanical Engineering (now Xi’an University of Technology);

Work Experience

Professor, School of Automation, Guangdong University of Technology

Part-time Academic Job

Member of Technical Committee on Control Theory, Chinese Association of Automation, serving/served as Associate Editor for "IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control", "IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology", "IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics" and other publications and on the Editorial Board of 18 internationally publications

Main Honor

National Specially Appointed Expert, "Changjiang Scholar" Chair Professor, "Guangdong Special Support Project" Outstanding Talent (Nanyue Baijie)

Main Achievements

He has been engaged in robot and precision electromechanical system control for a long time and has made a series of original research achievements with international impact.

Main Projects

1). 2018/01-2022/01, Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 61733006, Modeling and Control Techniques of Systems Preceded by Hysteresis Nonlinearities, 2.7 million RMB, under investigation, Host.

2). 2015/03-2018/02, Ministry of Science and Technology, National High-tech Research and Development Program (863 Program), 2015AA042302, Research and Development of Flexible Drive Unit for Artificial Muscles Integrating Intelligent Materials and Bionic Structure, Subproject, 1.09 million RMB (total Fund: 5.45 million RMB), concluded, in charge of the subproject.

3). 2013/01-2015/12, Joint Key Funds of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, U1201244, Intelligent Micro-based Actuator's Control Theories, Techniques, and Applications, 2.2 million RMB, concluded, Host.

4). 2013/01-2015/12, Innovation Team Project of the Ministry of Education, Research on high-speed high-precision control theory and control technology for advanced equipment, 3 million RMB, concluded, Host.

Research Team

Institute of Intelligent Decision and Collaborative Control
