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[2] Yong Zhang, Weilong Liu, XingyuYang. An automatic trading system for fuzzy portfolio optimization problem with sell
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[3] Yong Zhang, Hong Lin, Lina Zheng, et al. Adaptive online portfolio strategy based on exponential gradient updates.
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[4] Yong Zhang, Hong Lin, Xingyu Yang,et al. Combining expert weights for online portfolio selection based on
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[7] Yong Zhang, Jiayi Xian, Menghu Huang. Online leasing strategy for depreciable equipment considering opportunity cost.
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[8] Xingyu Yang, Jin'an He,Yong Zhang.Aggregating exponential gradient expert advice for online portfolioselection.
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[11]Yong Zhang, Xingyu Yang, Baixun Li. Distribution-free solutions to the extended multi-period newsboy problem.
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[12] Yong Zhang, Xingyu Yang. Online portfolio selection strategy based on combining experts' advice.Computational
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[13] Yong Zhang, Xingyu Yang. Online ordering policies for a two-product, multi-period stationary newsvendor problem.
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[14] Yong Zhang, Vladimir Vovk, Weiguo Zhang. Probability-free solutions to the non-stationary newsvendor problem.
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[15] 林虹,张永,杨兴雨,等.考虑组合预测股价的泛证券投资组合选择策略.管理工程学报,2023,37(5):130-141.(国家自然科学基金委管理科学A类重要期刊, CSSCI)2023年1月
[16]张永,郑锋淇,杨兴雨,等.基于长短期记忆神经网络的金融压力指数预测.系统工程,2023, 41(5): 115-123.(国家自然科学基金委管理科学B类重要期刊)2023年5月
[17]张永,龙婉容,杨兴雨,等.基于在线算法的改进指数梯度投资组合策略.中国管理科学,2022, 30(9): 49-6. (国家自然科学基金委管理科学A类重要期刊, CSSCI) 2022年9月
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