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讲座主题:Anticorruption, resource reallocation, and firm innovation

讲座内容简介:The relationship between corruption and innovation is still debated in the literature. We contribute to this conversation by examining the causal effect of an anti-corruption campaign on firm innovation and the channels through which this occurs. We adopt a difference-in-differences design to take advantage of an unanticipated anti-corruption campaign in China and a large-scale proprietary dataset. Our empirical results show that anticorruption causally leads to an improvement in firms’ R&D investment. This evidence is robust to a battery of placebo tests and alternative checks. We identify resource reallocations as the underlying mechanisms through which anticorruption stimulates firm innovation. We find evidence that firms strategically respond to the campaign by reallocating resources from corruption to innovation. The anticorruption campaign reallocates public R&D resources and external financing from corrupt-prone firms toward more productive and innovative firms. Our study contributes to understanding the causal link between corruption and innovation by overcoming the identification challenges and identifying the resource reallocation mechanisms.


戴小勇,西安交通大学副教授、博士生导师,澳大利亚昆士兰大学奋进研究学者、英国曼彻斯特大学访问学者,长期从事创新政策方向的研究工作。在该领域国际权威SSCI期刊以及国内重要期刊发表论文30余篇,论文被引用超过2000余次。主持国家自然科学基金2项、教育部人文社科基金1项,入选西安交通大学第五届“十大学术新人”称号,获得Elsevier 2020年度“卓越评审奖”。
