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讲座主题:Modes of Control and Dual Liabilities of Foreignness and Complementorship: Internationalization through Digital Platforms Abroad



Abstract: Digital commerce platforms have created a new channel for multinational enterprises (MNEs) to sell in foreign markets. They can sell on such platforms as a third-party seller (also called a complementor) or as a supplier to the platform owner. The first approach gives better control of the marketing mix but it entails two challenges. The first is the liability of foreignness, and the second is the disadvantage of being a complementor on the platform, termed in this study as the liability of complementorship. Data from Amazon are analyzed to show that maintaining control by selling as a third-party seller tends to predict lower sales compared to serving as a supplier to the platform owner. In addition, an experimental study shows that consumers’ brand loyalty and readiness for digital commerce influence the chances of success using the two modes of control. These findings provide new insight into how MNEs leverage digital platforms to expand global reach.



李家涛(J.T. Li),现任香港科技大学(科大)商学院利国伟商学教授,管理系讲座教授、国际商务年会(Academy of International Business)院士,科大商学院商业战略与创新研究中心主任。李家涛教授曾于2013年7月-2017年7月任科大商学院资深副院长,2009年—2013年7月任科大商学院副院长,2006-2017年8月任科大商学院管理系主任。李教授于2016年当任战略管理协会(Strategic Management Society)香港会议主席,并于同年当选为 2018年国际商务年会的主席。

李家涛教授是国际商业战略的权威专家,致力于推进新兴国家的企业战略研究。他目前担任Journal of International Business Studies副主编,兼任Academy of Management Journal,Global Strategy JournalJournal of ManagementLong Range Planning等国际顶级期刊编委会委员,并于2009—2016期间担任管理学顶尖期刊Strategic Management Journal的副主编。他的研究领域包括全球战略、数字化战略、公司战略、组织学习、战略联盟、公司治理、创新和创业。他的研究成果经常发表在Academy of Management Journal,Academy of Management Review,Organization Science,Strategic Management Journal,Journal of Management, 和Journal of International Business Studies等管理类顶级学术期刊,更有不少获得最佳论文奖项。
