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时间 2024年4月25日14:30--17:30 姓名 刘圣明 副教授
地点 A北202 第二会议室

报告题目:Does PoliticalSkill Promote Knowledge Hiding? An Impression Management Perspective



地点:A北202 第二会议室


刘圣明,复旦大学管理学院副教授,主要研究方向为组织行为学和人力资源管理。曾在Journal of Applied Psychology,Journal of Management,《心理学报》、《管理科学学报》等国内外学术期刊上发表多篇论文。目前担任上海市社会心理学学会理事,曾获国家自然科学基金面上和青年项目立项、中国科协科技智库青年人才项目、阿里巴巴活水项目优秀学者、复旦大学管理学院科创项目立项,复旦管院青年教师新星奖,以及复旦大学青教赛一等奖、创新教学大赛二等奖。


The prevalence of knowledge-hiding behavior in organizations hinders cooperation among employees and affects the transmission and development of new knowledge and ideas. Understanding why and how employees hide knowledge can help managers prevent knowledge hiding. In expanding this research to focus on interpersonal abilities, our findings suggest that political skill can positively influence knowledge hiding through supplication strategy. We further emphasize thata competition climate is a contingency that amplifies the detrimental effects of political skill on knowledge hiding. Hopefully, this investigation will inspire future research that expands our understanding of political skill and knowledgehiding in meaningful and decisive ways.
