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5月28日James M. Vardaman博士讲座通知


时间 2024年5月28日9:00-11:00 姓名 James M. Vardaman博士
地点 管理学院A南302

报告题目:We Are Friends but Are We Family? Organizational Identification and Nonfamily Employee Turnover

报告人:James M. Vardaman博士




The family-centric priorities of family firms often disadvantage nonfamily employees and make retaining them problematic. Our study posits organizational identification, or internalizing the firm’s identity as one’s own, as a key factor in overcoming this challenge. We adopt a social network perspective to examine the differential impact of friendships with family and nonfamily members on nonfamily employees’ organizational identification and turnover. Results from a study of the nonfamily employees of a family-owned service company show that centrality in both family and nonfamily friendship networks reduces turnover, but that friendships with family members have a stronger effect. Results also show that various forms of centrality in social networks have indirect effects on turnover through organizational identification, highlighting identification’s importance for retaining nonfamily employees.


James M. Vardaman博士,美国孟菲斯大学福格曼商学院(Fogelman College of Business and Economics) Free Enterprise终身讲习教授,博士生导师。美国管理学会(AOM,Academy of Management)组织变革与发展分会(Organizational Change and Development Division)轮值主席,全球家族企业研究领域高水平期刊Journal of Small Business and Management资深编辑(Senior Editor),美国南部管理协会(Southern Management Association)理事会成员。Vardaman教授的研究方向专注于家族企业非家族员工(non-family employee)和家族企业组织行为、员工留任以及员工对于企业变革的反应和态度的研究,在顶级期刊发表50余篇研究论文,包括Organization Science, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Harvard Business Review, Human Relations, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Family Business Review, Academy of Management Perspectives, Human Resource Management Review, Journal of Small Business and Management等。
