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发布日期:2019-09-23 作者: 来源: 点击:

罗权兵(Luo, Quanbing)

















[1]Liang Liang;Quanbing Luo*;Wenbin Xu*; Minghua Liang; Hao Shen,Effects of several cosolvents and non-solvents on ester true solvents in nitrocellulose lacquer thinner,Progress in Organic Coatings, 2022, 172,107063.

[2]Quanbing Luo*, Automatic Delaunay mesh generation method and physicallybased mesh optimization method on two-dimensional regions,Engineering with Computers, 2022,38, 1021-1031.

[3]Quanbing Luo*, Discretized pressure Poisson algorithm for steady incompressible flow on two-dimensional triangular unstructured grids,European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 2020, 80, 187-194.

[4]Wenbin Xu; Liang Liang;Quanbing Luo*; Zili He; Minghua Liang; Hao Shen*; Dong Liang, Comparison of six ester components in nitrocellulose lacquer thinner from the aspects of dissolution rates, explosion characteristics and environmental influence,Progress in Organic Coatings, 2020, 139, 105426.

[5]Xiaochun Zhang; Zijian Zhang; Zhenyi Zhang; Wenbin Xu;Quanbing Luo*; Haowen Tao; Xing Li*, Experimental investigation of compartment fires with circular opening: From the aspects of internal temperature and facade flame,Combustion and Flame, 2020, 213: 107-116.

[6]Quanbing Luo; Zili He; Wenbin Xu*; Hao Shen*; Dong Liang; Ting Ren, The spontaneous combustion mechanism of sawdust from the aspect of biochemical components,Cellulose, 2019, 26(17): 9045-9055).

[7]Quanbing Luo; Ting Ren; Hao Shen*; Jian Zhang; Dong Liang, The Thermal Properties of Nitrocellulose: From Thermal Decomposition to Thermal Explosion,Combustion Science and Technology, 2018, 190(4): 579-590.

[8]Quanbing Luo*; Dong Liang; Ting Ren; Jian Zhang, Calculation of critical parameters for spontaneous combustion for some complex geometries using an indirect numerical method,The ANZIAM Journal, 2018, 59(3): 402-412.

[9]Wenbin Xu; Zili He;Quanbing Luo*; Hao Shen*; Dong Liang; Ting Ren, The influence of soluble components on spontaneous combustion risk of sawdust samples,Thermochimica Acta, 2018, 670: 219-225.

[10]Quanbing Luo; Ting Ren; Dong Liang; Jian Zhang; Hao Shen*, A study on the Thermal Decomposition Temperature (TDT) and Critical Ambient Temperature (CAT) of cotton,Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2017, 128: 1617–1625.

[11]Quanbing Luo; Ting Ren; Hao Shen*; Dong Liang*; Jian Zhang, Comparison of thermal hazards of sodium dithionite and thiourea dioxide from thermal analysis (DSC-TG), small-scale self-heating experiments and FTIR smoke gas analysis,Fire Safety Journal, 2017, 92: 91-97.

[12]Quanbing Luo*; Ting Ren; Dong Liang, Discretized pressure Poisson algorithm for the steady incompressible flow on a nonstaggered grid,Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 2017, 71(6): 549-559.

[13]Quanbing Luo; Dong Liang; Hao Shen*, Evaluation of self-heating and spontaneous combustion risk of biomass and fishmeal with thermal analysis (DSC-TG) and self-heating substances test experiments,Thermochimica Acta, 2016, 635: 1-7.

[14]Quanbing Luo; Dong Liang; Shanjun Mo*, Numerical Calculation of the Critical Parameters of Frank-Kamenetskii Equation in Spontaneous Combustion Theory,Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 2015, 68(5): 403-417.


Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Quanbing-Luo


Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=wtVpBs4AAAAJ&h


