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Wonyong CHOI
2017-12-22 14:51(阅读)


Namgo Chair Professor
School of Environmental Science & Engineering
Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)
Pohang, Korea 790-784
Phone: +82-54-279-2283 Fax: +82-54-279-8299
wchoi@postech.eduHome page:http://www.postech.ac.kr/lab/see/epa/


1996. 6Ph.D.,Chemistry (Environmental Chemistry)
California Institute of Technology (CALTECH), Pasadena, CA, U.S.A.
1990. 2M.S.,Chemistry (Physical Chemistry)
Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, Korea
1988. 2B.S. (with honors),Engineering (Chemical Technology)
Seoul National University (SNU), Seoul, Korea

Professional Experience & Research Area

1998. 2 – present
Professor,School of Environmental Science and Engineering (also at Dept. of
Chemical Engineering as of June 2008), POSTECH
Research area:Semiconductor photocatalysis for environmental and energy applications;
Solar photocatalytic hydrogen production; Development of visible light active
photocatalysts; Photochemical purification of water and air; Advanced oxidation processes
(AOPs); Environmental (photo)chemistry; Ice (photo)chemistry; Redox processes of
environmental significance

2003 – present
Adjunct Professor,Department of Chemistry, POSTECH

2006. 3 – 2007. 2/ 2013.3 – 2014.2
Visiting Scholar,Environmental Science & Engineering, CALTECH
(LG Yonam Research Fellow, on sabbatical leave from POSTECH)

1996. 6 – 1998. 2
Postdoctoral Scholar, NASA/Caltech Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Atmospheric
Chemistry Research Element, Earth and Space Sciences Division
Research area:Laboratory kinetic studies of heterogeneous atmospheric chemical

Awards and Honors

2015 KAST Science and Technology Award
2014 KIST Excellent Researcher Award
2014 Elected as Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC)
2014 Appointed as DeTao Master (2014.10), DeTao Masters Academy, Shanghai, China
2014 Elected as Fellow of Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST)
2013 Excellence in Review Award, Environ. Sci. Technol. (American Chemical Society)
2012 Pohang MBC-Samil Munhwa Special Award
2012 Namgo (Jong-Ryul Lee) Chair Professor, POSTECH
2011 Invited Visiting Professor (Sept. 19-24, 2011); University Lille 1, France
2011 Awardee of “Rising Star” Faculty Special Support Program (POSTECH)
2011 Erudite Visiting Professor (Feb. 7-12, 2011); Erudite Scholar-in-Residence
Programme; Kerala State Higher Education Council/Mahatma Gandhi University
(Kottayam, Kerala, India)
2008 Lectureship Award for Asian and Oceanian Photochemist (Japanese
Photochemistry Association)
2006 Young Scientist Award (Korean Academy of Science and Technology; Ministry of
Science & Technology; presented by the president of Korea)
2006 LG Yonam Research Fellow
2004-14 Listed in Who's Who in the World (Marquis)
2003 Elected as Associate Member of Korean Academy of Science and Technology
2001 Best Paper Award, Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
1988 President of Alumni Association Award for Outstanding Engineering Students
(SNU Engineering College)

Summary of Academic Achievements and Services (Selected)

220 research articles published in peer-reviewed journals (mostly in international SCI
Total citations 23,000 (as of 2015/12 according to Web of Science): H-index 59
Advised 18 Ph.D. and 24 M.S. degrees during the tenure of POSTECH (1998-present)
Currently supervising 12 graduate students, 4 postdocs

Editor, Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier: 2008.2 – present, IF 4.5)
Editor, Rapid Communication in Photoscience (Korean Society of Photoscience: 2013.1-
Editorial Advisory board, Energy and Environmental Science (Royal Society of
Chemistry: 2008.5 – present, IF 20.5)
Editorial Advisory board, Environmental Science & Technology (American Chemical Society: 2015.2– present, IF 5.3)
Editorial Advisory board, Journal of Physical Chemistry (American Chemical Society:
2009.1- 2011.12)
Editorial board, International J. of Photoenergy (Hindawi Publishing: 2012.6 –
Editorial board, J. Advanced Oxidation Technology (Sci. Technol. Network, Inc.)
Co-guest editor of a special issue “Nanotechnologies for the Treatment of Water, Air,
and Soil” in Journal of Hazardous Materials (Vol. 211-212, 2012)
Co-guest editor of a special issue “Catalysis for Hydrogen Energy Production and
Utilization” in Catalysis Today (Vol. 146, issues 1-2, 2009)
Co-guest editor of a special issue “Catalysis for Environment Friendly Technologies” in
Catalysis Today (Vol. 87, issues 1-4, 2003)
Co-guest editor of a special issue on photocatalysis in The Korean Journal of Chemical
Engineering (Vol. 18, number 6, 2001)
Associate Editor, Environmental Engineering Research (2004.12–2006.2, Korean Society
of Environmental Engineers)
Editorial board, J. of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (2002.1–present, Korean
Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry/Elsevier)

Chair, Division of Environment and Energy, Korean Chemical Society (2011.1–2012.12)
Organizer, 2nd International Workshop on Frontiers in Environmental Chemical
Research, POSTECH, Korea, May 19, 2015
Organizer, International Workshop on Solar Energy for Clean Water, POSTECH,
Pohang, Korea; Oct. 27, 2014
Organizer, International Workshop on Frontiers in Environmental Chemical Research,
POSTECH, Korea, May 30, 2011
Technical Program Coordinator (Environmental Chemistry), Pacifichem 2010,
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Dec. 15-20, 2010.
Organizer, EPB & Post-IPS Workshop on Solar Photochemistry and Materials for
Energy and Environment, POSTECH, Pohang, Korea, July 31, 2010
Co-Chair, 18th
International Conference on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of
Solar Energy (IPS-18), Seoul, Korea, July 25-30, 2010
International Organizing Committee, International Conference on Photochemical
Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy (IPS), 2008.8-2014.7.
Scientific International Committee, European Meeting on Solar Chemistry and
Photocatalysis: Environmental Applications (SPEA) (2008-2014)
Secretariat, 9th Korea-Japan Symposium on Catalysis, POSTECH, Pohang, May 14-17,


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