近日,广东工业大学环境健康与污染控制研究院、环境科学与工程学院安太成教授团队在焦化场地周边地区土壤污染有机物的空间分布特征方面取得最新研究进展,成果以《Spatial distribution, source identification, and human health risk assessment of PAHs and their derivatives in soils nearby the coke plants》为题发表Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 861: 160588期刊上。论文的第一作者为硕士生张书,通讯作者为安太成教授。由于焦化行业生产会产生大量多环芳烃及其衍生物,这可能对周边环境和人群健康产生负面影响。在这项研究中,我们采集了我国经典的焦化厂以及周边居民区和远离焦化厂的对照区的土壤样本,以评估焦化厂对周边地区土壤的污染情况及其居民的健康风险的影响。本研究主要开展了焦化厂周边居民区土壤中的多环芳烃及其衍生物的浓度水平、分布特征、来源识别和对人群健康风险的情况。这项工作的发表可以为焦化行业场地分类分区环境管理和焦化厂工人和附近居民的健康风险管理提供基础数据。

焦化行业会产生大量多环芳烃及其衍生物,这可能会对环境和人群健康产生一定的负面影响。在这项研究中,我们对典型焦化厂附近的土壤进行了采样,以评估焦炭生产对周围地区土壤的污染情况和周边人群健康风险的影响。研究发现焦化厂附近土壤中多环芳烃及其衍生物的平均浓度为4270ng/g dw,比远离焦化厂的地区观察到的浓度约高1个数量级,但是比焦化厂的土壤中多环芳烃及其衍生物的浓度低约4倍。由此可见,焦化厂的生产在一定程度上确实可以影响到周边地区土壤中的多环芳烃及其衍生物的浓度水平。此外,还通过分析研究发现焦化加工区是焦化厂污染最严重的区域,平均浓度达到74.4μg/g dw。污染物的来源解析结果表明:焦化厂附近的多环芳烃及其衍生物主要来自焦化厂(PC1: 50.4%),其次是生物质燃烧和车辆尾气(PC2: 11.2%)。最后本研究还评估了焦化厂附近地区以及焦化厂内部的由于多环芳烃及其衍生物的污染造成的可能癌症风险(CR)。根据获得的结果发现周边地区和焦化厂成年人的总CR值分别为4.48×10-6-5.80×10-4和2.80×10-5-6.36×10-4,一定程度上均超过了癌症风险的可接受值(1×10-6)。这一发现表明多环芳烃及其衍生物可能会对周边居民和焦化厂工人构成一定的潜在癌症风险,值得关注。

The coking industry can generate large amounts of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their derivatives, which may negatively impact the environment and human health. In this study, soils nearby a typical coking plant were sampled to assess the impact of coke production on the surrounding residential areas and human health. The mean concentration of PAHs and their derivatives in residential area soils nearby the coking plant was 4270 ng/g dw, which was 1 order of magnitude higher than that observed in areas far from the coke plant and approximately 4 times lower than that revealed the coke plant. In addition, the results showed that the coking processing area was the most contaminant area of the coke plant (mean: 74.4 μg/g dw), where was also the main source of pollutants in residential areas. In terms of vertical soils in coking plant, the maximum levels of chemicals (mean: 205 μg/g dw) were presented at the leakage of underground pipelines, where were much higher than those in surface soils, and decreased with the increase of depth. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) results showed that there were obvious differences in the concentrations of 6-nitrochrysene between the plant, residential areas and the control areas. Meanwhile, 6-nitrochrysene had potential cancer risk (CR) for human in the coking site. Thus, 6-nitrochrysene was the most noteworthy among PAH derivatives. Furthermore, the CR (mean: 5.94×10-5) and toxic equivalent quantities (TEQs) (mean: 14.8 μg·TEQ/g) of PAHs and their derivatives was assessed in this study. This finding suggested that PAHs and their derivatives especially those extremely toxic chemicals (Nitro-PAHs (NPAHs) and Br/Cl-PAHs (XPAHs)) might pose a potential health risk to residents nearby the coke plant. The current study provides further insights into the pollution characteristics of PAHs and their derivatives in coke plants and potential risks to the workers and surrounding residents.