近日,广东工业大学环境健康与污染控制研究院、环境科学与工程学院安太成教授团队题为《Experimental and DFT investigations on adsorption–regeneration performance and deactivation mechanism over engineered carbon fiber: role of pore structure and functional groups》的学术论文在Environ. Sci.: Nano(2023,10, 2790-2798) 杂志上接受发表。论文的第一作者为张卫平副教授,通讯作者为安太成教授。该论文主要针对工业过程VOCs吸附剂吸附容量低及易失活的问题,通过详细阐述含氧类VOC(OVOC)的吸附容量和吸附强度与多孔碳纤维吸附剂的孔结构和官能团的关联规律,并通过实验和DFT理论计算相结合,详细探究了OVOC在多孔碳纤维上吸附-脱附机制、诱发吸附剂失活的关键原因等。有望为工业有机废气处置过程中经济高效的含氧VOCs的回收材料的精细化设计及高值VOCs的资源化利用提供理论指导。
Technology based on adsorption of porous carbon is a promising and cost-effective strategy for the recovery of high-value volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or removal of worthless VOCs. However, the deactivation mechanism of porous carbon adsorbents determined by pore structure and functional groups is not clear. This knowledge gap limits their application in the resource utilization or pollution control of VOCs. We investigated the effect of the pore structure and functional groups in relation to adsorption and regeneration of ethyl acetate (EA) over engineered carbon-fiber adsorbents. Experimental and density functional theory (DFT) results indicated that appropriate basic groups were beneficial for EA adsorption, and the physisorption of micropore structure contributed more to the adsorption capacity. However, the strong chemisorption between EA and adsorbents hampered complete regeneration (only 81.5% capacity retention over six cycles of optimal adsorbents). Semi-quantitative methods and identification of intermediates confirmed that deactivation of porous carbon adsorbents was closely related to EA conversion due to strong chemisorption between EA and the adsorbent interface, which resulted in blockade of the pore structure and occupation of interfacial active sites. Our results may guide the design of highly efficient and economic adsorbents with complex micro-interfaces for recovery of high-value VOC.
项目资助:该研究工作得到了国家自然科学基金(42007327, 42007315和22076028),广东省重点研发计划项目(2022-GDUT-A0007),广东省本土创新团队(2017BT01Z032),广东省基础与应用基础研究项目(2019A1515110298和2021A1515010278),广东省普通高校重点实验室项目(2018KSYS007)等项目的支持。