Institute of Environmental Health and Pollution Control

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Institute of Environmental Health and Pollution Control

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★About us

Institute of Environmental Health and Pollution Control (IEHPC) was founded by Professor Taicheng An in April 2016. IEHPC consists of a strong research team, currently members of IEHPC have been awarded 40 research grants with a total funding of over 50 million RMB , including 20 NSFC, 10 projects from Guangdong provinces and Guangzhou city, and 10 projects from Guangdong University of Technology. About 300 SCI research papers have been published in the last few years. There are also 1 authorized U.S. invention patents and more than 40 China invention patents. IEHPC is awarded as “Air Pollution and Control Innovation Team of Department of Education of Guangdong Province”, “Local Innovation Team of Guangdong Pearl River Talent Plan”, “Guangdong Key Laboratory of Environmental Catalysis and Health Risk Control” “Guangzhou Key Laboratory of Environmental Catalysis and Pollution Control” and so on. Currently, IEHPC has 23 employees, including 13 Professors, 4 Associate Professors, 1 Senior Engineer, 1 Lecturer, 2 Lab Technicians and 2 Administrative Staff; 11 PHD Advisors, 20 Master Advisors. There are 6 national talents including the recipients of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, Yangtze River Scholars, Ministry of Science and Technology Talents, National High-level Talents; 10 provincial talents including Nanyue talents, Pearl River Scholar, the province leading talents and innovation team leaders; 2 Pearl River Stars and 8 “one hundred youth" of Guangdong University of Technology talents, 10 Postdoctoral Fellows, 17 PHD and 87 Master students.


Aiming for the research of environmental science and engineering disciplines-application and production, IEHPC cooperated with the related international research institutions to build an international team for cutting-edge environmental research. Based on the emission characteristics of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), emerging (ECs) and persistent organic pollutants (POPs), we mainly focus on the following research: (1) the mechanism of environmental pollution and health risk assessment; (2) the mechanism of environmental pollution control and technology application research; (3) the inchoate health effects and risk reduction of environmental pollutants.

To encourage the outstanding graduate student, IEHPC and the company of Shenzhen Green Renewable Resources set up the "IEHPC-Green Renewable Resources Scholarship" for the scientific research reward of graduate student. The scholarship is reviewed once a year and credited to the student enrollment files. At the same time, IEHPC is invested 3 million RMB from the company of Guangzhou Zike Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd to build “Guangdong University of Technology-Zike Allied Laboratory on photocatalytic application”.

★Current leadership

Dean:Taicheng An

Associate Dean: Xunan Ning and Lin Yu

Assistant Dean: Jiangyao Chen

Growth trajectories

2016 2017 2018
Establishment of Institute of Environmental Health and Pollution Control

Guangzhou Key Laboratory of Environmental Catalysis and Pollution Control

Allied Center on Photocatalytic Application and Engineering Technology of Guangdong Province

Air Pollution and Control Innovation Team of Department of Education of Guangdong Province

LocalInnovation Team of Guangdong Pearl River Talent Plan

Guangdong Key Laboratory of Environmental Catalysis and Health Risk Control

Doctorate in Environmental Science and Engineering


Institute of Environmental Health and Pollution Control,Guangdong University of Technology 

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