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Allied Center on Photocatalytic Application and Engineering Technology of Guangdong Province

Thu, Apr 19 2018 08:31 Click:[]

The center of Photocatalytic Application and Engineering Technology of Guangdong Province was formally founded in 2017, and the support unit is School of Environmental Science and Engineering, IEHPC, Guangdong University of Technology and Guangzhou Zike Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. Currently, the center has 50 staff, including 1 the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholar/Yangtze River Scholar, 1 Thousand Youth Talents Plan, 1 Academicians of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 1 Distinguished professor of Guangdong Pearl River Scholar, 1 Chair professor, 1 Pearl River Youth Scholar, 4 Guangdong Provincial Special Support Program Talent, 8 Professors, 4 Associate Professors, 6 Lecturers and staffs, 1 lab technicians, 21 staffs with PHD degree. The center has experiment area of 1000 square meters; equipment research and production area of 11000 square meters, with more than 30 million RMB worth of advanced instruments including GC, GC-MS, GC-MS, PTR-TOF-MS, Laser flash photolysis instrument, optical fiber laser machine, CNC bending machine and so on.

To realize the photocatalytic integration and industrialization of equipment, under the guidance of Professor Taicheng An, the center systematically studies the photocatalytic reduction technology and purification mechanism of the low concentration VOCs from the municipal and industrial emissions. Currently, the center has studied the characteristics of pollutants release and health effects based on the key industry of the pearl river delta region, and set up a variety of organic pollutants analysis and detection methods. The center successfully developed more than 20 species of high efficient photocatalysts and assembled them into more than 10 sets of photocatalytic integration test equipment/engineering equipment, and also established more than 10 related pilot demonstration and application engineering projects. At the same time, the center has more than 240 photocatalytic related SCI papers and 60 patents for photocatalyst formulation and photocatalytic devices, including 42 authorized patents and 6 patents transfer to province environmental protection enterprises (totally 2.60 million RMB). The team has profound experience in the photocatalytic technology development, engineering design, test and application.


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Institute of Environmental Health and Pollution Control,Guangdong University of Technology 

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