温坤华,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。研究兴趣包括:微纳光电子器件设计、光纤传感技术:1)针对光纤光栅滤波器、传感器的研究成果已经成功应用于铁路轨道以及风电设备的健康监控;2)研究表面等离子体激元的亚波长光子器件,已提出基于金属-介质-金属波导结构的光滤波器、光环形器、传感器等器件模型。目前主持国家自然科学基金、广东省科技计划项目、广东省自然科学基金、国家重点实验室开放课题、广东普通高校青年创新人才项目等国家、省部级项目,担任Frontiers in Physics期刊客座编辑,以第一作者在Optics Express,Journal of Lightwave Technology,IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics,IEEE Photonics Journal等国内外重要学术期刊上发表SCI论文五十余篇,引用1100余次、申请专利十余项。
1. 2007/09—2013/07,西南交通大学,信息科学与技术学院通信工程系,博士(硕博连读);
2. 2003/09—2007/07,西南交通大学,信息科学与技术学院通信工程系,本科。
[1].Zhengfeng Li,K. H. Wen*, Yihong Fang, Zicong Guo, “Refractive Index Sensing Research on Multi-Fano-Based Plasmonic MDM Resonant System With Water-Based Dielectric,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 56(3):1-7, 2020.
[2].ZhengfengLi,K. H. Wen*, Li Chen, Liang Lei, Jinyun Zhou, Dongyue Zhou, Yihong Fang, Yuwen Qin, “Manipulation of Multiple Fano Resonances Based on a Novel Chip-Scale MDM Structure,” IEEE ACCESS, 8: 32914-32921, 2020.
[3].Yihong Fang,K. H. Wen*, Zhengfeng Li, Bingye Wu, Li Chen, Jinyun Zhou, Dongyue Zhou, Multiple Fano Resonances Based on End-Coupled Semi-Ring Rectangular Resonator, IEEE Photonics Journal, 11(4): 4801308, 2019.
[4].Zhengfeng Li, Kunhua Wen, Li Chen, Liang Lei, Jinyun Zhou, Dongyue Zhou, Yihong Fang, Bingye Wu, “Control of Multiple Fano Resonances Based on a Subwavelength MIM Coupled Cavities System,” IEEE ACCESS, 7: 59369-59375, 2019.
[5].Yihong Fang,K. H. Wen*, Yuwen Qin, Zhengfeng Li, Bingye Wu, “Multiple fano resonances in an end-coupled MIM waveguide system,” Optics Communications, 452:12-17, 2019.
[6].Yihong Fang,K. H. Wen*, Yuwen Qin, Zhengfeng Li, and Bingye Wu. Plasmonic-induced absorption based on an end-coupled combined resonance system of a semiannular cavity and rectangular cavity. Applied Optics, 58(1): 43-49, 2019.
[7].K. H. Wen*, L. Chen, J. Y. Zhou, L. Lei, Y. H. Fang, “A Plasmonic chip-scale refractive index sensor design based on multiple Fano resonances,” Sensors, 18(10):3181, 2018.
[8].Z. C. Guo, K. H. Wen*, Q. Y. Hu, W. H. Lai, J. Y. Lin, and Y. H. Fang, “Plasmonic Multichannel Refractive Index Sensor Based on Subwavelength Tangent-Ring Metal–Insulator–Metal Waveguide,” Sensors, 18(5): 1348, 2018
[9].W. H. Lai, K. H. Wen*, J. Y. Lin, Z. C. Guo, Q. Y. Hu, and Y. H. Fang, “Plasmonic filter and sensor based on a subwavelength end-coupled hexagonal resonator,” Applied Optics, 57(22): 6369-6374, 2018.
[10].K. H. Wen*, L. S. Yan*, W. Pan, B. Luo, Z. Guo, Y. H. Guo, X. G. Luo, “Electromagnetically induced transparency-like transmission in a compact side-coupled T-shaped resonator,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 32(9): 1701-1707, 2014. (2016年ESI高被引论文)
[11].K. H. Wen*, Y. H. Hu, J. Y. Zhou, L. Lei, J. F. Li, Y. J. Wu, “Plasmonic-induced absorption in an end coupled metal-insulator-metal resonator structure,” Optical Materials Express, 7(2): 433-443, 2017.
[12].K. H. Wen*, Y. H. Hu, L. Chen, J. Y. Zhou, M. He, L. Lei, Z. M. Meng, “Tunable Multimode Plasmonic Filter Based on Side-Coupled Ring-Groove Joint Resonator,” Plasmonics, 12(2): 427-431, 2017.
[13].K. H. Wen*, Y. H. Hu, L. Chen, J. Y. Zhou, M. He, L. Lei, Y. J. Wu, and J. F. Li, “Single- and dual-plasmonic induced absorption in a subwavelength end-coupled composite-square cavity,” Applied Optics, 56 (30): 8372-8377, 2017.
[14].K. H. Wen*, Y. H. Hu, L. Chen, J. Y. Zhou, M. He, L. Lei, Z. M. Meng, Y. J. Wu, J. F. Li, “Fano resonance based on end-coupled cascaded-ring MIM waveguides structure,” Plasmonics, 12(6): 1875-1880, 2017.
[15].K. H. Wen*, Y. H. Hu, L. Chen, J. Y. Zhou, M. He, L. Lei, Z. M. Meng, “Plasmonic induced absorption and transparency based on a compact ring-groove joint MIM waveguide structure,” IEEE Photonics Journal, 8(5): 4802308, 2016.
[16].K. H. Wen*, Y. H. Hu, L. Chen, J. Y. Zhou, L. Lei, Z. M. Meng,, “Plasmonic bidirectional/unidirectional wavelength splitter based on metal-dielectric-metal waveguides,” Plasmonics, 11(1): 71-77, 2016.
[17].K. H. Wen*, Y. H. Hu, L. Chen, J. Y. Zhou, L. Lei, Z. M. Meng, “Single/dual Fano resonance based on plasmonic metal-dielectric-metal waveguide,” Plasmonics, 11(1): 315-321, 2016.
[18].K. H. Wen*, Y. H. Hu, L. Chen, J. Y. Zhou, M. He, L. Lei, Z. M. Meng, “Multiple Plasmon-Induced Transparency Responses in a Subwavelength Inclined Ring Resonators System,” IEEE Photonics Journal, 7(6): 1-7, 2015.
[19].K. H. Wen*, Y. H. Hu, L. Chen, J. Y. Zhou, L. Lei, Z. Guo, “Fano resonance with ultra-high figure of merits based on plasmonic metal-insulator-metal waveguide,” Plasmonics, 10(1): 27-32, 2015.
[20].K. H. Wen*, Y. H. Hu, L. Chen, J. Y. Zhou, L. Lei, Z. Guo, “Theoretical analysis of plasmonic unidirectional propagation at visible frequency based on subwavelength waveguide,” Optics Communications, 336: 243-247, 2015.
[21].K. H. Wen*, Y. H. Hu, L. Chen, J. Y. Zhou, L. Lei, Z. Guo, “A compact and high-efficiency dichroic plasmonic splitter based on asymmetric T-shape waveguide”, Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, 13: 120-126, 2015.
[22].K. H. Wen*, Y. H. Hu, L. Chen, J. Y. Zhou, L. Lei, Z. Guo, “Design of an optical power and wavelength splitter based on subwavelength waveguides,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 32(17): 3020-3026, 2014.
[23].K. H. Wen*, L. S. Yan, Y. H. Hu, L. Chen, L. Lei, “A plasmonic wavelength-selected intersection structure,” Plasmonics, 9(3): 685-690, 2014.
[24].K. H. Wen*, Y. H. Hu, L. Chen, L. Lei, Z. Guo, “Single/multiple-mode- selection optical nanofilters based on end-coupled split-ring resonators,” Applied Optics, 53(19): 4158-4163, 2014.
[25].K. H. Wen, L. S. Yan*, W. Pan, B. Luo, Z.Guo, Y. H. Guo, X. G. Luo, “Design of plasmonic comb-like filters using loop-based resonators,” Plasmonics, 8(2): 1017-1022, 2013.
[26].K. H. Wen, L. S. Yan*, W. Pan, B. Luo, Z. Guo, and Y. H. Guo, “Wavelength demultiplexing structure based on a plasmonic metal–insulator–metal waveguide,” Journal of Optics, 14(7): 075001, 2012.
[27].K. H. Wen, L. S. Yan*, W. Pan, B. Luo, Z.Guo, Y.-H. Guo, “A four-port plasmonic quasi-circulator based on metal-insulator-metal waveguides,” Optics Express, 20(27): 28025–28032, 2012.
[28].K. H. Wen, L. S. Yan*, W. Pan, B. Luo, Z.Guo, Y. H. Guo, and X. G. Luo, “Spectral characteristics of plasmonic metal–insulator–metal waveguides with a tilted groove,” IEEE Photonics Journal, 4(5): 1794-1800, 2012.
[3].郭迎辉,闫连山,温坤华,郭振,陈智宇,潘炜,邹喜华,张志勇。一种等长矩形腔表面等离子带通滤波器调节自由光谱范围的方法。2014.07,授权发明专利号:ZL 201210053704.6。
[4].张志勇,闫连山,潘炜,罗斌,张兆亭,温坤华。光纤光栅传感器应力测量的差分对光栅解调技术。2012.11,授权发明专利号:ZL 201110187787.3。
[5].闫连山,郭振,陈娟,温坤华,潘炜,罗斌,李慧,商科峰。一种表面等离子体输出偏振态的控制方法。2012.12,授权发明专利号:ZL 201110031507.X。