Q. Jiang,C. Cao, T. Lin, S. Wu and X. Li.Strong and Tough Glass with Self-Dispersed Nanoparticles via Solidification.Advanced Materials, 2019, 1901803-1901805.(SCI一区TOP, IF: 27.398)
R. Huang,Q. Jiang*, H. Wu et al. Fabrication of complex shaped ceramics parts with surface-oxidized Si3N4powder via digital light processing based stereolithography method.Ceramic International, 2019, 45(4): 5158-5162.(SCI二区, IF: 3.83,通讯作者)
B. Wang,Q. Jiang∗, W. Liu, Z. Zhu, J. Liu, H. Wu, W. Guo and S. Wu. Fabrication of fine-grained α/β Si3N4by Hot Pressing Flowing Sintering at 1550 °C.Ceramic International, 2019, 45(11): 13958-13963.(SCI二区, IF: 3.83,通讯作者)
Z. Chen, X. Qian, X. Song,Q. Jiang, R. Huang, Y. Yang, R. Li, K. Shung, Y. Chen and Q. Zhou. Three-Dimensional Printed Piezoelectric Array for Improving Acoustic Field and Spatial Resolution in Medical Ultrasonic Imaging,Micromachines, 2019, 10, 170.
Q. Jiang,W. Guo,W. Liu,S. Gu, L. Cheng, J. Liu, M. Zhou, S. Wu.Influence of powder characteristics on hot pressure sintering of Si3N4with and without additives.Science of Sintering,2017, 49: 81-89.(SCI四区, IF: 0.73)
Z. Chen,Q. Jiang, X. Song, K. Wang, S. Wu, Q. Zhou, Y. Chen, K. Shung. Piezoelectric array for transducer application using additive manufacturing. Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 2017 IEEE International. IEEE, 2017: 1-4.
Q. Jiang, J. Liu, W. Guo, W. Liu, L. Cheng, M. Gong, S. Wu. A novel hot pressing flowing sintering for preparation of texturing ceramics.Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2015, 98(9), 2696-2699.(SCI二区, IF: 3.502)