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所属团队: 微纳电子器件与集成技术研究团队

简介1994年生,中共党员,博士,青百有条件A层次人才。主要从事神经拟态电子器件与系统研究。在业界公认的国际顶级科技期刊中发表高水平SCI论文40,论文累计引用900其中第一(作者及通讯作者身份在Nat. Commun., ACS Nano2, Adv. Sci., SmartMat, Adv. Funct. Mater., Nano Energy3,Nano Letters等期刊发表SCI论文20:中科院一区16篇,IF>10论文12篇;入选封面论文3篇;入选ESI高被引论文1篇;数项工作被广大媒体积极报道;撰写英文专著2章;申请发明专利10余项。担任多个国内外期刊(会议的(客座)编委与审稿人。多次受邀参加学术会议并获得优秀学术报告奖与优秀墙报奖等荣誉。系电气与电子工程师协会IEEE)、中国自动化学会CAA)、中国通信学会(CIC)、中国化学会(CCS)等学会会员。







2019.09-2023.06南开大学 电子科学与技术博士




2023.07-至今 广东工业大学 集成电路学院 讲师





NRE Young Star Researcher Award2022









[1]Y. Ni, J. Liu, H. Han, W. Xu*, et al. Visualized in-sensor computing [J]. Nature Communications (2024). (中科院一, Nature子刊, IF: 16.6)

[2]H. Yu, T. Wang, Y. Li,Y. Ni*, et al. Organic synaptic transistors with an ultra-short-term weight-reconstruction for processing multiple types of signals [J].Advanced Electronic Materials2300702 (2024). (广东工业大学TOP类期刊)

[3]X.Li, Y. Feng, L. Shi,Y. Ni*, et al. Far-gate synaptic transistors utilizing ion-charge dual-transfer mechanism for neurotransmitter-multiplexing temporal coding [J]. Applied Physics Letters (2024). (广东工业大学TOP类期刊)


[4]Y. Ni, L. Yang, J. Feng, W. Xu*, et al. Flexible optoelectronic neural transistors with broadband spectrum sensing and instant electrical processing for multimodal neuromorphic computing [J]. SmartMat 4: e1154 (2023). (中科院一区, IF: 20.4)

[5]Y. Ni, L. Liu, J. Feng, W. Xu*, et al. Flexible organic artificial synapse with ultrashort-term plasticity for tunable time-frequency signal processing [J]. Chinese Chemical Letters 34: 108419 (2023). (中科院一, IF: 9.1,封面论文)

[6]H. Wei, Z. Xu,Y. Ni(共一), W. Xu*, et al. Mixed-dimensional nanoparticle-nanowire channels for flexible optoelectronic artificial synapse with enhanced photoelectric response and asymmetric bidirectional plasticity [J]. Nano Letters 23: 8743-8752 (2023). (中科院一区, IF: 10.8)

[7]Z. Xu,Y. Ni(共一), H. Han, W. Xu*, et al. A hybrid ambipolar synaptic transistor emulating multiplexed neurotransmission for motivation control and experience-dependent learning [J]. Chinese Chemical Letters 34: 107292 (2023). (中科院2023升级版一区, IF: 9.1,封面论文)


[8]Y. Ni, L. Liu, J. Liu, W. Xu*. A high-strength neuromuscular system that implements reflexes as controlled by a multi-quadrant artificial efferent nerve [J]. ACS Nano 16 20294 (2022). (中科院一区, IF: 17.1)

[9]Y. Ni, H. Han, J. Liu, W. Xu*, et al. A fibrous neuromorphic device for multi-level nerve pathways implementing knee jerk reflex and cognitive activities [J]. Nano Energy 104: 107898 (2022). (中科院一区, IF: 17.6)

[10]Y.Ni, L. Yang, L. Liu, W. Xu*, et al. Mimicking ion-balance-dependent synaptic plasticity in body fluid for adaptive environment-responsive artificial neuromuscular reflexes [J]. Materials Today Nano 17: 100167 (2022). (中科院2022升级版一区, IF: 10.3)

[11]L. Liu,Y. Ni(共一), J. Liu, W. Xu*, et al. An artificial autonomic nervous system that implements heart and pupil as controlled by artificial sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves [J]. Advanced Functional Materials 9: 2210119 (2022). (中科院一区, IF: 19)

[12]L. Liu, W. Xu,Y. Ni(共一), W. Xu*, et al. Stretchable neuromorphic transistor that combines multi-sensing and information processing for epidermal gesture recognition [J]. ACS Nano 16: 2282-2291 (2022). (中科院一区, IF: 17.1, ESI高被引)


[13]Y. Ni, M. Ma, H. Wei, W. Xu*, et al. Multiplexed neurotransmission emulated for emotion control [J]. Nano Energy 86: 106038 (2021). (中科院一区, IF: 17.6)

[14]Y. Ni, J. Feng, J. Liu, W. Xu*, et al. An artificial nerve capable of UV-perception, NIR-Vis switchable plasticity modulation, and motion state monitoring [J]. Advanced Science 9: 2102036 (2021). (中科院一区, IF: 15.1)

[15]Y. Ni, Y. Wang*, W. Xu*. Recent process of flexible transistor-structured memory [J]. Small 17: 1905332 (2021). (中科院2021基础版一区, IF: 13.3,封面论文)

[16]Y. Ni, S. Zhang, L. Sun, W. Xu*, et al. A low-dimensional hybrid p-i-n heterojunction neuromorphic transistor with ultra-high UV sensitivity and immediate switchable plasticity [J]. Applied Materials Today 25: 101223 (2021). (中科院2021基础版一, IF: 8.3)

[17]H. Wei,Y. Ni共一), L. Sun, W. Xu*, et al. Transistors with tunable synaptic plasticity and nociceptive behavior [J]. Nano Energy 81: 105648 (2021). (中科院一区, IF: 17.6)

[18] M. Ma,Y. Ni(共一), Z. Chi, W. Xu*, et al. Multiplexed neurochemical transmission emulated using a dual-excitatory synaptic transistor [J]. npj 2D Materials and Applications 5: 23 (2021). (中科院2021基础版一IF: 9.7)


[19]Y. Ni, J. Zhou*, Y. Hao, H. Lin, et al. The strong continuous induction effect based on isotype heterojunction transistors with different polymer modifications [J]. Organic Electronics 74: 237-244 (2019).

[20]Y. Ni, J. Zhou*, Y. Hao, H. Yu, et al. Effective performance improvement based on dioctylbenzothienobenzo-thiophene/pentacene isotype organic heterojunction transistors [J]. Semiconductor Science and Technology 34: 055003 (2019).

[21]Y. Ni, J. Zhou*, Y. Hao, H. Yu, et al. Effective performance improvement of organic thin film transistors by using tri-layer insulators [J]. European Physical Journal-Applied Physics 83: 20201 (2018).

[22]Y. Ni, J. Zhou*, P. Kuang, H. Lin, et al. Performance improvement of organic thin film transistors by using active layer with sandwich structure [J]. European Physical Journal-Applied Physics 9: 30102 (2017).


[1]W. Xu, H. Han, S. Zhang, Z. Xu,Y. Ni, & H. Wei. Low-dimensional conjugated polymer-based artificial synapses [M]// S. Yurish. Advances in intelligent systems: reviews, vol. 2. IFSA Publishing, Spain, ISBN: 978-84-09-29876-1 (2021).

[2]W. Xu, &Y. Ni. Memory characteristics and mechanisms in transistor-based memories [M]// S. -T. Han, & Y. Zhou. Photo-electroactive non-volatile memories for data storage and neuromorphic computing. Elsevier, UK ISBN: 978-0-12-819717-2 (2020).


[1]倪尧,刘远,张建锋,钟伟,雷登云,陈雅怡,黎展睿,李松凌,孔维昊,李佳钦,张露文,钟思琦,一种柔性人工突触晶体管及其制备方法和应用:CN 202311661490.5,中国(受理

[2]倪尧,刘远钟伟张建锋雷登云陈雅怡周可捷胡卓韬李学维金岷数徐增顺王楷,一种突触晶体管及其制备方法和应用:CN 202311661464.2,中国(受理



[5]周建林,倪尧,周鑫,余江鹏,甘平,一种具有输出大电流的OFET管及其制备方法:CN 201711157659.8,中国(授权)

[6]徐文涛,卫欢欢于海洋龚江东倪尧,一种基于Ti3C2-MXene/电解质结构的人工突触器件的制备方法CN 202011019085.X,中国(授权)

[7]徐文涛,马明雪,倪尧,一种用于模拟生物突触神经递质多路复用的双兴奋性人工突触器件的制备方法:CN 202011073522.6,中国(授权)

[8]周建林,倪尧,余江鹏,周鑫,甘平,一种基于p-6p/C8-BTBT复合材料的OFET及其制备方法:CN 201711157046.4,中国(受理

[9]周建林,倪尧,周鑫,余江鹏,甘平,王志皓,王凡城,周唐奇,一种基于普适绝缘层的OFET管驱动及其制备方法:CN 201810066650 .4,中国(受理





