








主持国家自然科学基金2项(面上项目、青年基金)、中国博士后科学基金4项(特别资助2项、面上项目2项) 、科技部外国专家项目1项、广东省自然科学基1项,参与国家重大仪器专项和国家重点研发计划等多项。相关成果在Opt. Lett.Appl. Phys. Lett.Opt. Express等国际权威期刊发表学术论文55篇(第一/通讯作者32篇)、申请发明专利28件(授权18件),被美国工程院RUSS Prize获得者(工程领域最高奖,两年仅1项)Christoph K. Hitzenberger教授、美国工程院院士Michael A. Sutton教授等知名专家积极评价,并获美国物理联合会《科学之光》AIP Scilight和加拿大《工程进展》AIE Spotlight等国际媒体专栏报道。

成果“基于盲分离的高精度全场形貌形变层析测量关键技术及应用”获2020年度广东省技术发明一等奖(第8完成人),成果“多界面全场应变检测新理论及应用”获2023年度中国自动化学会自然科学二等奖(第1完成人)。个人先后入选2021年度英国皇家物理学会测量领域IOP-MST青年领军学者Emerging Leaders(共10人)和2022年度广东省青年科技人才培育计划(首届、全省30人)。


[1]Bo Dong, et al. Digital image correlation-assisted phase-sensitive optical coherence tomography.Optics Letters. 2024, 49(4): 867-870.

[2] Yulei Bai,Bo Dong*, et al. Dual-convolution-neutral-network enhanced strain estimation algorithm for optical coherence elastography.Optics Letters. 2024, 49(3): 438-441.

[3] Yulei Bai,Bo Dong*, et al. High-resolution optical coherence tomography using gapped spectrum and real-valued iterative adaptive approach.Optics Express, 2023, 31(4): 5519-5530.

[4]Dong Bo, et al. A deep-learning-based approach for strain estimation in phase-sensitive optical coherence elastography.Optics Letters, 2021, 46(23), 5914-5917.

[5] Bai Yulei,Dong Bo*, et al. A high-efficiency incremental method for strain estimation in phase-sensitive optical coherence elastography,Optics Express, 2021, 29(16): 25327-25336.

[6]Dong Bo, et al. Fluorescent digital image correlation applied for macroscale deformation measurement.Applied Physics Letters, 2020, 117: 044101.

[7]Dong Bo, et al. Visualizing curing process inside polymers,Applied Physics Letters, 2020, 116:054103.

[8]Dong Bo, et al. Ultrasensitive video extensometer using single-camera dual field-of-view telecentric imaging system,Optics Letters, 2019, 44(18): 4499-4502.

[9]Dong Bo, et al. Enhancing the dynamic range of phase-sensitive optical coherence elastography by overcoming speckle decorrelation.Optics Letters, 2018, 45(23): 5805-5808.

[10]Dong Bo, et al. Highly sensitive, wide dynamic range displacement sensor combining chromatic confocal system and phase-sensitive spectral optical coherence tomography.Optics Express, 2017, 25(5): 5426.


[1] Ni Zihao (22级博士),Bo Dong*. Monitoring polymer curing progress through optical attenuation coefficient variations. Polymer Testing. 2024, doi: 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2024.108481.

[2] Ni Zihao (22级博士),Bo Dong*. Studying polymerization shrinkage kinetics of dental composite by using phase-sensitive optical coherence tomography. Measurement, 2023, 221: 113471.

[3] Lin Yuankun (20级硕士),Bo Dong*. Full-field vibration measurement using high-speed two-dimensional digital image correlation. Applied Science, 2023, 13: 4257.

[4] Huang Pinbo (20级博士),Dong Bo*, et al. Simultaneous measurement of depth-resolved refractive index field and deformation field inside polymers during the curing process. Measurement, 2022, 205: 112184.

[5] Huang Pinbo (20级博士),Bo Dong*, et al. Simultaneously measurement of strain field and Poisson’s ratio by using an off-axis phase-sensitive optical coherence elastography. Measurement Science and Technology, 2022, 33(9): 095406.
