Le Chang

Doctor of Engineering

Personal Information

Date of Employment:2017-06-12


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I received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in computer science from Central South University, Changsha, China, and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada. From 2013 to 2017, I was a Research Engineer with the Central Research Institute, Huawei Technologies Company Ltd., Shenzhen, China. Since 2017, I have been an Assistant Professor with the School of Automation, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, China. I have published more than 30 journal and conference papers in peer-to-peer systems, VANETs, DTNs, and mobile computing systems. My research interests include edge computing, VANETs, satelite networks and cyber-physical systems.

I am actively recruiting self-motivated undergraduate/graduate students with sufficient research funds. Interested students can contact me through email (lechang@gdut.edu.cn).

  • Selected Publications

  • - Yonghua Wang, Zhihai Tang, Aiwen Huang, Hong Zhang,Le Chang, Jianping Pan. Placement of UAV-Mounted Edge Servers for Internet of Vehicles.IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,https://doi.org/10.1109/TVT.2024.3368407, 2024.

  • - Xia Deng, Wucheng Lin, Yingxin Hu, Miaomiao Hao,Le Chang, Jiawei Huang. A Load-Balancing Routing Algorithm Based on Ant Colony Optimization and Reinforcement Learning for LEO Satellite Networks.China Communications, to appear, 2024.

  • - Xia Deng, Junbin Shao,Le Chang, Junbin Liang. A Blockchain-Based Privacy Protection Protocol using Smart Contracts in LEO Satellite Networks.Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-023-01614-6, 2024.

  • - Zhihai Tang, Aiwen Huang, Yonghua Wang,Le Chang, Tian Wang. Edge Servers on Wheels: Deployment and Route Planning of Mobile Servers for Internet of Vehicles.IEEE International Conference on Mobility, Sensing, andNetworking (MSN 2023), Nanjing, Dec. 2023.

  • - Xia Deng, Guole Lin,Le Chang, Fei Tong. Deep Reinforcement Learning for QoE-Aware Offloading in Space-Terrestrial Integrated Networks.IEEE International Conference on Mobility, Sensing, andNetworking (MSN 2023), Nanjing, Dec. 2023.

  • - Hong Zhang, Sheng Jin, Zhihai Tang andLe Chang. Joint Offloading with Fixed-Site and UAV-Mounted Edge Servers Based on Particle Swarm Optimization.IEEE Conference on Control Science and Systems Engineering (ICCSSE), Shenzhen, Jul. 2023.

  • - Xia Deng,Le Chang, Shouyuan Zeng, Lin Cai, Jianping Pan. Distance-based Back-Pressure Routing for Load-Balancing LEO Satellite Networks.IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 72(1):1240-1253, 2023.

  • - Xia Deng, Shouyuan Zeng,Le Changet al. An ant colony optimization-based routing algorithm for load balancing in LEO satellite networks.Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2022, 3032997.

  • -Le Chang, Xia Deng, Jianping Pan, Yun Zhang. Edge Server Placement For Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks in Metropolitans.IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022, 9(2): 1575-1590.

  • - Yonghua Wang, Xueyang Li, Pin Wan,Le Chang, Xia Deng. Dueling deep Q-networks for social awareness-aided spectrum sharing.Complex & Intelligent Systems, 2022, 8: 1975-1986.

University of Victoria
Computer Science
Doctor of Engineering


University graduate

2017.6 to Now

2013.12 to 2017.6

No content

Research Group

Name of Research Group:智能检测与控制研究团队 (团队负责人:章云教授)

Description of Research Group:智能检测与控制研究团队,主要致力于智能图像检测与识别、智能控制理论与应用、电能变换与分布式智能控制领域的研究,承担国家自然科学基金重点项目等国家级、省部级科研项目30余项,发表SCI期刊论文180余篇,授权发明专利62项,获广东省自然科学一等奖、广东省科学技术一等奖等省部级科技奖6项,指导学生获“挑战杯”国家特等奖等。研究团队拥有一支富有开阔进取精神,创新思维能力,与国外高校有密切联系的高水平师资队伍,欢迎各位同学报考。
