Yunhua Chen, Weijian Liu, Ling Zhang, Mingyu Yan, Yanjun Zeng, Hybrid Facial Image Feature Extraction and Recognition for Non-invasive Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diagnosis[J], Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2015, 64(5):30-39.
上一条:Luo Yuan, Zhang Ling,Chen Yunhua, Jiang Wenchao. Facial Expression Recognition Algorithm based on Reverse Co-salient Regions (RCSR) Features [C]. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering (ICISCE), 2017, 11: 326-329.
下一条:Weijian Liu, Zeqi Chen, Yunhua Chen, Ruohe Yao, An -BTV Regularization Algorithm for Super-resolution[C], 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology(ICCSNT 2015), 19-20 December 2015, Harbin, China.