

Date of Birth:1989-11-05




主持国家自然科学基金2项(面上项目、青年基金)、中国博士后科学基金4项(特助项目2项、面上项目2项)、广东省自然科学基金面上项目1项等,作为主要参与人/项目骨干承担国家重点研发计划、国家重大仪器专项等研究工作。研究成果在Optics Letters, Applied Physics Letters, Optics Express, Experimental Mechanics, Measurement, Polymer Testing, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Optics and Laser Technology, Applied Optics, Strain, Optics Communications, Sensors, Measurement Science and Technology等光学及测量领域权威期刊发表学术论文47篇(第一/通讯作者27篇,其中JCR Q1论文17篇),申请国家发明专利23件(授权13件),登记软件著作版权5件。

成果被美国工程院RUSS Prize(工程领域最高奖,每两年仅1项)获得者Christoph K. Hitzenberger教授、美国工程院院士Michael A. Sutton教授、中国工程院院士吾守尔教授等国际知名专家引用并高度评价:“high significance”、“great work”、“significant improvement”、“important research”、“国际先进水平”,并受美国物理联合会《科学之光》AIP Scilight等国际媒体专栏报道。担任Optics Express, Journal of Applied Physics, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, Measurement, Journal of Materials Science, micromachines, SoftwareX, Diagnostics等国际期刊审稿人、国家自然科学基金通讯评审。

个人先后获2019年中国博士后特别资助-力学学科(全国11人)、2020年广东省技术发明一等奖(基于盲分离的高精度全场形貌形变层析测量关键技术及应用,排名8/15)、2021年中国博士后特别资助-仪器学科(全国4人),入选广东省科技青年人才培育计划(首届,全省30人)、英国皇家物理学会IOP-MST评选的“Emerging Leaders 2021”(遴选国际测量领域青年领军学者,共10人)。

课题组依托教育部智能检测与制造物联重点实验室开展研究工作,成员包括青年教师、博士后、博/硕士研究生等,具有光学测量、信号处理、材料及力学等多领域研究背景。课题组隶属IEEE Fellow、国家杰青、俄罗斯外籍院士谢胜利教授团队(全国首批黄大年式教师团队、教育部创新团队),欢迎相关领域专家学者的交流合作,以及对光学测量/检测技术感兴趣的本/硕/博同学加入。Email:b.dong@gdut.edu.cn


1.Dong Bo, Huang Naixing, Bai Yulei*, and Xie Shengli. Deep-learning-based approach for strain estimation in phase-sensitive optical coherence elastography.Optics Letters, 2021, 46(23), 5914-5917.

2.Dong Bo*, Bai Yulei, Xie Shengli, and Pan Bing*. Phase-sensitive optical coherence tomography based non-contact optical sensor for monitoring photocuring process.Measurement Science and Technology, 2021, 32(11): 115104.

3.Dong Bo, Li Chenzhuo, and Pan Bing*. Two-dimensional digital image correlation using coaxial monochromatic illumination and fluorescence telecentric imaging.Experimental Mechanics, 2021, 61: 653661.

4.Dong Bo, Li Chenzhuo, and Pan Bing*. Fluorescent digital image correlation applied for macroscale deformation measurement.Applied Physics Letters, 2020, 117: 044101.

5.Dong Boand Pan Bing*. Optical coherence tomography and its applications in experimental mechanics: A review.Chinese Science Bulletin, 2020, 65: 2094.

6.Dong Boand Pan Bing*. Visualizing curing process inside polymers,Applied Physics Letters, 2020, 116:054103.

7.Dong Bo, Li Chenzhuo, and Pan Bing*. Ultrasensitive video extensometer using single-camera dual field-of-view telecentric imaging system,Optics Letters, 2019, 44(18): 4499-4502.

8.Dong Bo, Tian Long*, Pan Bing*. Tensile testing of carbon fiber multifilament using an advanced video extensometer assisted by dual-reflector imaging,Measurement, 2019, 138: 325-331.

9.Dong Bo, Zeng Fancang, and Pan Bing*. A simple and practical single-camera stereo-digital image correlation using a color camera and x-cube prism,Sensors, 2019, 19(21): 4726.

10.Dong Bo, Zhang Yun, Pan Bing*. Enhancing the dynamic range of phase-sensitive optical coherence elastography by overcoming speckle decorrelation.Optics Letters, 2018, 45(23): 5805-5808.

11.Dong Bo, Pan Bing*, Zhang Yun, and Bai Yulei. Microdefect identification in polymers by mapping depth-resolved phase-difference distributions using optical coherence tomography.Polymer Testing, 2018, 68: 233-237.

12.Dong Bo, Xie Shengli, He Zhaoshui, and Zhou Yanzhou*. Simultaneous measurement of temperature-dependent refractive index and depth-resolved thermal deformation fields inside polymers.Polymer Testing, 2018, 65:297-300.

13.Dong Bo, Zhang Yun, Zhang Wucong, He Zhaoshui, Xie Shengli, and Zhou Yanzhou*. Highly sensitive, wide dynamic range displacement sensor combining chromatic confocal system and phase-sensitive spectral optical coherence tomography.Optics Express, 2017, 25(5): 5426.

14.Dong Bo, Zhang Yun, Ye Shuangli, Zhou Yanzhou, He Zhaoshui, Xie Shengli*. Dual-channel phase-contrast spectral optical coherence tomography for simultaneously measuring axial and normal to B-scan off-axial displacements.Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2017, 96: 35–38.

15. Yulei Bai, Shuying Cai, Shengli Xie, andBo Dong*. High-resolution optical coherence tomography using gapped spectrum and real-valued iterative adaptive approach.Optics Express, 2023, 2023, 31(4): 5519-5530.

16. Yuankun Lin, Pinbo Huang, Shengli Xie, Yulei Bai, andBo Dong*, Full-field vibration measurement using high-speed two-dimensional digital image correlation.Applied Sciences, 2023, 13: 4257.

17. Pinbo Huang, Yuankun Lin, Rufeng You, Zihao Ni,Bo Dong*, Shengli Xie, and Yulei Bai*, Simultaneously measurement of strain field and Poisson’s ratio by using an off-axis phase-sensitive optical coherence elastography.Measurement Science and Technology, 2022, 33(9), 095406.

18. Huang Pinbo, Lin Yuankun, Bai Yulei*, Ni Zihao, Xie Shengli, andDong Bo*. Simultaneous measurement of depth-resolved refractive index field and deformation field inside polymers during the curing process.Measurement, 2022, 205, 112184.

19. Bai Yulei, Cai Shuyin,Dong Bo*, and Xie Shengli. A high-efficiency incremental method for strain estimation in phase-sensitive optical coherence elastography,Optics Express, 2021, 29(16): 25327-25336.

20. Fu Baofei, Li Chenzhuo,Dong Bo*, and Ou Pan. Enhanced digital gradient sensing using backlight digital speckle targets.Sensors, 2020,20: 6557.


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