- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Name (Pinyin):duzhixia
- School/Department:集成电路学院
- Contact Information:duzhixia@gdut.edu.cn
- Status:On-the-job
- Teacher College:集成电路学院
- Discipline:电路与系统
Contact Information
- Email:
- Paper Publications
- X. Y. Zhang*,Z.-X. Du,Q. Xue,High-efficiency broadband rectifier with wide ranges of input power and output load based on branch-Line coupler.[J].IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers,2017,64(3):731–739.
- Z.-X. Du,X. Y. Zhang*,K.-X. Wang,H.-L. Kao,X.-L. Zhao,X.-H. Li,Unequal Wilkinson power divider with reduced arm length for size miniaturization.[J].IEEE Trans. Compon., Packag., and Manuf. Technol.,2016,6(2):282-289.
- Z.-X. Du,X. Y. Zhang*,Q. Xue,High-efficiency wide-bandwidth microwave rectifier based on branch-line coupler.[C].National Conf. on Microw. and Millim. Wave,2015,1663-1666.
- Z.-X. Du,X. Y. Zhang*,H.-L. Kao,Dual-band bandpass filter based on GaN MMIC.[C].Prog. in Electrom. Research Symp.,2014,390-393.