Research Projects


Release time:2021-03-07 Hits:

Supported by:广东省科技局

Type of Research Outcome:New Technology & New Process

Classification of Project:Longitudinal contract

Sub-Class of Project:Special CNC machine tool

Nature of Project:Applied research

Project description:” (批准号:)(合作)200万元,广东省数控一代机械产品创新应用示范工程专项

Supported by:Provincial municipal and autonomous regional science and technology projects

Project level:Provincial and ministerial-level

Classification of Disciplines:Engineering

First-Level Discipline:Control Science and Engineering

Project Approval Number:2012B011300031

Subsidy Amount:200.0

Guangdong University of Technology Tel:020-39323866
Copyright @ 2020-2021 All rights reserved. Guangdong ICP No. 05008833

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