
Federated Learning in Vehicular Edge Computing: A Selective Model Aggregation Approach

发布时间:2021-06-24 点击次数:


发表刊物:IEEE Access

摘要:Federated learning is a newly emerged distributed machine learning paradigm, where the clients are allowed to individually train local deep neural network (DNN) models with local data and then jointly aggregate a global DNN model at the central server. Vehicular edge computing (VEC) aims at exploiting the computation and communication resources at the edge of vehicular networks. Federated learning in VEC is promising to meet the ever-increasing demands of artificial intelligence (AI) applications in intelligent connected vehicles (ICV). Considering image classification as a typical AI application in VEC, the diversity of image quality and computation capability in vehicular clients potentially affects the accuracy and efficiency of federated learning. Accordingly, we propose a selective model aggregation approach, where 鈥渇ine鈥?local DNN models are selected and sent to the central server by evaluating the local image quality and computation capability. Regarding the implementation of model selection, the central server is not aware of the image quality and computation capability in the vehicular clients, whose privacy is protected under such a federated learning framework. To overcome this information asymmetry, we employ two-dimension contract theory as a distributed framework to facilitate the interactions between the central server and vehicular clients. The formulated problem is then transformed into a tractable problem through successively relaxing and simplifying the constraints, and eventually solved by a greedy algorithm. Using two datasets, i.e., MNIST and BelgiumTSC, our selective model aggregation approach is demonstrated to outperform the original federated averaging (FedAvg) approach in terms of accuracy and efficiency. Meanwhile, our approach also achieves higher utility at the central server compared with the baseline approaches.

第一作者:D. Ye, R. Yu, M. Pan, Z. Han






上一条:Incentivizing Differentially Private Federated Learning: A Multidimensional Contract Approach下一条:Optimal Task Assignment With Delay Constraint for Parked Vehicle Assisted Edge Computing: A Stackelberg Game Approach

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