


20121月年获得东华大学纺织材料与产品设计专业博士学位;201212月入选‘香江学者’,赴香港理工大学从事了两年的博士后研究工作;20152月起任职于苏州大学纺织与服装工程学院,担任讲师。20166月加入世界500强美资企业Honeywell International任高级研发工程师。20189月以‘青年百人计划’A类人才加入广东工业大学。目前主持和参与的科研项目有10余项,包括主持的国家自然科学基金项目,博士后特别资助,博士后面上项目,江苏省高校项目等;发表学术论文近50篇,在国际期刊Ergonomics, Building and Environment, Textile Research Journal, Scientific Reports等内知名期刊发表SCI研究论文近30篇。授权中国专利7项,发明奖3项,实用新型3项。获得多项奖励,包括日内瓦发明奖金奖,香港项目管理学会奖,香港理工大学建筑系院长特许卓越奖等。



· Building and Environment, Textile Research Journal, Journal of Industrial Ergonomics等多个国际期刊特约审稿人




· 2002.9-2006.9青岛大学纺织学院 纺织工程 工学学士

· 2006.9-2012.1东华大学纺织学院 纺织材料与产品设计 工学博士


· 20012.12-2015.1香港理工大学建筑与房地产学系,博士后

· 2015.1-2016.6苏州大学纺织与服装工程学院,讲师

· 2016.6-2018.9 Honeywell International个体安全防护装备部,高级研发工程师

· 2018.09-至今 广东工业大学“青年百人A类”副教授,硕士生导师








1.WF.Song, YH. Lu, YP. Liu, Y. Yang, XH. Jiang, “Effect of partial-body heating on thermal comfort and sleep quality of young female adults in a cold indoor environment”,Build. Environ.169:1-12 (2020).(中科院1)

2.WF.Song, GZ. Zhu, “A facile approach for fabricating silica dioxide/reduced graphene oxide coated cotton fabrics with multifunctional properties”,Cellulose27:2927-2938 (2020). (中科院2)

3.WF. Song, YH. Lu, “Investigation on the microstructural characteristics and quasi-static puncture resistance of both domesticated and wild silkworm cocoons”,Tex. Res. J.0(0):1-16 (2020). (中科院3)

4.WF.Song, FM. Wang, CJ. Zhang, “Intermittent wetting clothing as a cooling strategy for body heat strain alleviation of vulnerable populations during a severe heatwave incident”,J. Therm. Biol. 79:33-41 (2019). (中科院3)

5.WF. Song, CJ. Zhang, DD. Lai, FM. Wang, K. Kuklane, “Use of a novel smart heating sleeping bag to improve wears’ local thermal comfort in the feet”,Sci. Rep. 1-10 (2016). (中科院3)

6.WF. Song, FM. Wang, FR. Wei, “Hybrid cooling clothing to improve thermal comfort of office workers in a hot indoor environment”, Build. Environ. 100:92-101 (2016).(中科院1)

7.WF. Song, FM. Wang, “The hybrid personal cooling system (PCS) could effectively reduce the heat strain while exercising in a hot and moderate humid environment”,Ergonomics, 1-10 (2016). (中科院3)

8.WF. Song, FM. Wang, CJ. Zhang, DD. Lai,On the improvement of thermal comfort of university students by using electrically and chemically heated clothing in a cold classroom environment,Build. Environ. 94(2):704-731 (2015). (中科院1)

9.WF.Song, FM.Wang, “Evaluating the cold protective performance (CPP) of an electrically heated garment (EHG) and a chemically heated garment (CHG) in cold environments”,Fiber Polym. 16(12): 2689-2697 (2015). (中科院3)

10.WF.Song, Albert PC.Chan, Y.Yang, “Meta-analysis of the effects of microclimate cooling systems on human performance under thermal stressful environments: potential applications to occupational workers”,J. Therm. Biol. 49-50:16-32 (2015). (中科院3)

11.WF.Song, Albert PC. Chan, WD.Yu, “Experimental and theoretical study on heat-insulating properties of fibrous assemblies in natural state using a new apparatus”,J. Therm. undefined. Calorim.115(2):1183-1193 (2014). (中科院3)

12.WF.Song, WD.Yu, “Heat transfer through fibrous assemblies by fractal method”,J. Therm. undefined. Calorim. 110(2): 897-905 (2012). (中科院3)

13.WF.Song, WD.Yu, “Fractal calculation of air permeability of nonwoven fabrics”,J. Text. Inst. 103(8):817-826 (2012). (中科院3)

14.WF.Song, WD.Yu, “Study on water vapor diffusing coefficient of fibrous materials by fractal method”,J. Text. Inst. 103(8): 827-835 (2012). (中科院3)

15.WF.Song, WD.Yu, “Study on radiative heat transfer property of fiber assemblies using FTIR”,J.Therm.undefined.Calorim. 103(3):785-790 (2011). (中科院3)

16.WF.Song, WD.Yu, “A new transient approach for testing water vapor diffusion of fabrics and fibers”,Int. J. Cloth. Sci. Tech. 23(5): 361-372 (2011). (中科院4)

17.WF.Song, WD.Yu, “Study on acoustic insulating, air permeating and water vapor transfer properties of fibrous assemblies with density variation using a new apparatus”,Int. J. Cloth. Sci. Tech.24(2/3):79-88 (2011). (中科院4)


·宋文芳,周璇璇,朱广舟.一种生物基增强材料、生物基复合材料及其制备方法. 2019, CN110144064A.(发明专利申请)


·李巧玲,梁晓彤,宋文芳.一种吸湿排汗防水靴. 2019, CN 210184647 U.(实用新型授权)




·于伟东、宋文芳、潘宁、陈鲁铁.变密度纤维塞瞬态湿汽传递性测量装置与方法,2013, 201310390275.6.(发明专利授权)

·于伟东、宋文芳、潘宁、陈鲁铁.一种变密度纤维体稳态传热性质原位测量的装置与方法, 2013,201310390490.6.(发明专利授权)



· 2016.04瑞士日内瓦发明奖金奖 (团队奖)

· 2015.12香港项目管理学会奖(团队奖)

· 2015.06香港理工大学建筑系院长特许卓越奖,科技发展与技术转移奖(团队奖)

· 2014.03香江学者学术交流优秀论文奖

· 2012.12获得香江学者计划支持赴香港从事博士后研究工作

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