






1. S. Ren,., Chan, H. L., & Siqin, T. (2019). Demand forecasting in retail operations for fashionable products: methods, practices, and real case study. Annals of Operations Research, 1-17.

2. S. Ren, HL. Chan, and Pratibha Ram, “A comparative study on fashion demand forecasting models with multiple sources of uncertainty,”Annals of Operations Research. doi:10.1007/s10479-016-2204-6, published online, 2016.

3. S. Ren and T.M. Choi, “Selection and industrial applications of panel data demand forecasting: modelsIndustrial Management & Data Systems. Vol. 116 no: 6, pp.1131 - 1159. 2016.

4.S. Ren, T.M. Choi and N. Liu, “Fashion sales forecasting with a panel data-based particle-filter model,”IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics – Systems, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 411-421, 2014. N. Liu, S. Ren, T.M. Choi, C.L. Hui and S.F. Ng, “Sales forecasting for fashion retailing service industry: a review,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering (2013) in press.

5. Y. Zhang, S. Ren, Z. Dong, Y. XU, K. Meng, Y. Zheng, "Optimal Placement of Battery Energy Storage in Distribution Networks Considering Conservation Voltage Reduction and Stochastic Load Composition", IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2017.

6. T.M. Choi, N. Liu, S. Ren, and C. Hui, “No refund or full refund: when should a fashion brand or full refund consumer return service for mass customization products?” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2013, ArticleID561846,14 pages, 2013.

7. X.R. Li, C.W. Yu, S. Ren, C.H. Chiu and K. Meng, “Day-ahead electricity price forecasting based on panel cointegration and particle filter”, Electric Power System Research. vol. 95, pp. 66-76, 2014.X.R. Li, C.W. Yu, F.J. Luo andS. Ren, “Impacts of emission trading schemes on GENCO’s decision under multimarket environment”, Electric Power System Research. vol. 95, pp. 257-267, 2013.

8. BIN Shen, Xuemei Ding, Yanyan Wang and S. Ren, “Development of RFID embedded Smart Washing Mashine Systems in the big data Era: Value Creation in Fashion Industry” Expert Systems With Applications.

9. Lin, Lei, Kai Yuan, and Shuyun Ren. "Analysis of urban freeway traffic flow characteristics based on frequent pattern tree." In Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2014 IEEE 17th International Conference on, pp. 1719-1725. IEEE, 2014.

10. M. Luo and S. Ren. A hybrid model for short-term prediction of time series data: A monthly forecast for container port throughputs in PRD region.IFSPA,2012

11. S. Ren, Jun BI, Y.F.Fung, Xuran Ivan Li and T.K.Ho, Freeway Traffic Estimation in Beijing based on Particle Filter ,The 2010 Sixth International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'10) 2010.

12. Bi Jun, S. Ren and Guan Wei, Traffic data collection equipment for floating car, 8th International Symposium on Test and Measurement, 2009.


1.S. Ren and T.M. Choi, “Intelligent demand forecasting supported risk management systems for fast fashion inventory management” Information Systems for the Fashion and Apparel Industry

2. S. Ren and C.L. Hui,“AI based fashion sales forecasting methods in big data era”Springer’s book chapter on Artificial Intelligence for fashion industry in the big data era. 2017.



2.香港理工大学基金项目(G-YBGR), 2015至今. Demand Forecasting and Inventory Management in Fast Fashion Systems (港币15).(主要承担)

3.香港理工大学基金项目(G-UA1Q), 2014-2016. Risk Management for Inventory Planning in Luxury Fashion Brands (港币20).(主要承担)

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