
作者: 时间:2015-10-25 点击数:

教 授









孙健,广东工业大学环境科学与工程学院青年百人,教授,广东省特支计划科技创新青年拔尖人才项目获得者,广东省自然科学基金、广东省科技计划项目评审专家,广东省财政厅专家库专家,韶关市创新创业发展专家库专家。科研方向:基于生物电化学的环境污染物定向转化与资源化;主持国家、省部、市局级及中央高校项目共10项,并作为核心成员参与国家“十一五”水污染控制与治理科技重大专项和NSFC-广东联合基金项目;发表SCI论文32篇,其中SCI一区论文18篇,SCI二区论文12篇,SCI三区论文2篇,2篇论文入选ESI高他引论文,授权国家发明专利1项;获广东省优秀博士学位论文奖;是Water Research,Applied Energy,Bioresource TechnologyJournal of PowerSourcesInternational Journal of HydrogenEnergyJournal of EnvironmentalManagement等环境、生物与能源领域多个国际期刊审稿专家。


201012月毕业于华南理工大学环境工程专业,获博士学位。200811月至200912月,获国家留学基金资助,在美国明尼苏达大学双城分校(University of Minnesota, Twincities)做学术访问。20113月至201410月在华南理工大学轻工技术博士后流动站从事博士后科研工作,获华南理工大学副研究员职称。201410月作为青年百人计划(A类)特聘副教授进入广东工业大学工作。





[1]Sun J.,Cai B, Xu W., HuangY., et al. Enhanced bioelectricity generation and azo dyetreatmentin a reversible photo-bioelectrochemical cell by using novel anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate(AQDS)/MnOx-doped polypyrrole film electrodes.Bioresource Technology, 2017,(225): 40-47.(IF2016: 5.651).

[2]Sun J., HuY., LiW., et al. Sequential decolorization of azo dye and mineralization ofdecolorization liquid coupled with bioelectricity generation using a pHself-neutralized photobioelectrochemical system operated with polarityreversion.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2015, 289: 108-117 (SCI一区, IF2015: 4.836,他引6次).

[3]Sun J.,Zhang Y., Liu G.,etal. Unveiling characteristics of an bioelectrochemical system with polarityreversion for simultaneous azo dye treatment and bioelectricity generation.AppliedMicrobiology and Biotechnology. 2015, 99 (17): 7295-7305 (SCI二区, IF2015: 3.376,他引2次).

[4]Sun J., LiW., Li Y., et al. Redox mediator enhancedsimultaneous decolorizationof azo dye andbioelectricity generation in air-cathode microbial fuel cell.Bioresource Technology, 2013, (142):407-414.(IF2013: 5.039,他引:37).

[5]SunJ.,Li Y.,HuY.,etal. Understanding the degradation of Congo red and bacterial diversity in anair–cathode microbial fuel cell being evaluated for simultaneous azo dyeremoval from wastewater and bioelectricity generation.Applied Microbiologyand Biotechnology, 2013, 97 (8): 3711-3719. (IF2013: 3.811,他引:7).

[6]Sun J., HuY., Hou B.,etal. Electrochemical characteriztion of the bioanode during simultaneous azo dyedecolorization and bioelectricity generation in an air-cathode single chamberedmicrobial fuel cell.Electrochimica Acta, 2011, 56 (1): 6874-6879. (IF2011: 3.832,他引:14).

[7]Sun J., BiZ., Hou B.,etal. Further treatment of decolorization liquid of azo dye coupled withincreased power production using microbial fuel cell equipped with an aerobicbiocathode.Water Research, 2011, 45 (1): 283-291.(IF2011:4.865,他引:31).

[8]SunJ.,Hu Y., Bi Z.,etal. Improved performance of air-cathode single-chamber microbial fuel cell forwastewater treatment using microfiltration membranes and multiple sludgeinoculation.Journal of Power Sources, 2009, 187 (2): 471-479.(SCI一区, IF2009: 3.792,他引: 88次,ESI高他引论文)

[9]Sun J., HuY., Bi Z.,etal. Simultaneous decolorization of azo dye and bioelectricity generation usinga microfiltration membrane air-cathode single-chamber microbial fuel cell.BioresourceTechnology, 2009, 100 (3): 3185-3192.(SCI一区, IF2009: 4.253,他引: 111)

[10]SunJ.,Li Y.,HuY.,etal. Enlargement of anode for enhanced simultaneous azo dye decolorization andpower output in air-cathode microbial fuel cell.Biotechnology Letters,2012, 34 (11): 2023-2029.(IF2012: 1.736,他引:8).

[11] Tan P.,Sun J.,HuY.,etal. Adsorption of Cu2+, Cd2+and Ni2+fromaqueous single metal solutions ongrapheneoxide membranes.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2015, 297: 251-260. (IF2013:4.331).

[12] ZhangY.,SunJ.,HuY.,etal. Effects of periodically alternating temperatures on performance of singlechamber microbial fuel cells.InternationalJournal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39: 8048-8054.(IF2013:2.93).

[13]Li W.,Sun J.,HuY.,etal. Simultaneous pH self-neutralization and bioelectricity generation in a dualbioelectrode microbial fuel cell under periodic reversion of polarity.Journalof Power Sources, 2014, 268: 287-293.(IF2013: 5.211).

[14]Xu Q.,SunJ.,HuY.,etal. Characterization and interactions of anodic isolates in microbial fuelcells explored for simultaneous electricity generation and Congo reddecolorization.Bioresource Technology, 2013,142: 101-108.(IF2013:5.039).

[15]Yang S.,Sun J.,HuY.,etal. Effect of vacuum ultraviolet on ultrasonic defluorination of aqueousperfluorooctanesulfonate.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 234:106-114.(IF2013: 4.058)

[16]Zhang Y.,Sun J.,HuY.,etal.Carbonnanotube-coated stainless steel mesh for enhanced oxygen reduction inbiocathode microbial fuel cells.Journal ofPower Sources, 2013, 239: 169-174.(IF2013:5.211).

[17]Zhang Y.,Sun J.,HuY.,etal. Bio-cathode materials evaluation in microbial fuel cells: A comparison ofgraphite felt, carbon paper and stainless steel mesh materials.InternationalJournal of Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37 (22): 16935-16942.(IF2012:3.548).

[18]Hou B.,SunJ.,HuY.,etal. Simultaneous congo red decolorization and electricity generation in singlechambered microbial fuel cell with different microfiltration, ultrafiltrationand proton exchange membranes.Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102:4433-4438.(IF2011: 4.98).

[19]Zhang Y.,Sun J.,HuY.,etal. Performance improvement of air-cathode single-chamber microbial fuel cellusing a mesoporous carbon modified anode.Journal of Power Sources,2011, 196 (18): 7458-7464.(IF2011: 4.951).

[20] HouB.,SunJ.,HuY.,etal. Effect of enrichment procedures on performance and microbial diversity ofmicrobial fuel cell for Congo red decolorization and electricity generation.AppliedMicrobiology and Biotechnology, 2011, 90 (4): 1563-1572.(IF2011:3.425).

[21]Marsili E.,SunJ., Bond D.R.Voltammetry and growthphysiology ofGeobactersulfurreducensbiofilmsas a function of growth stage and imposed electrodepotential.Electroanalysis, 2010, 22 (7-8):865-874.(IF2010: 2.872,他引60次,ESI高他引论文).

[22] NingX., Shen L.,Sun J., et al. Degradation of polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons(PAHs) in textile dyeing sludge by O3/H2O2treatment.RSC Advance, 2015, 5: 38021-38029(IF2013:3.708).

[23]Hou B.,HuY.,Sun J.,et al. Performance and microbial diversity of microbial fuel cells coupled withdifferent cathode types during simultaneous azo dye decolorization andelectricity generation.Bioresource Technology, 2012, 102 (6): 105-110.(IF2012: 5.039).

[24]Cao Y., Hu Y.,Sun J.,et al. Explorevarious co-substrates for simultaneous electricity generation and Congo reddegradation in air-cathode single-chamber microbial fuel cell.Bioelectrochemistry, 2010,79 (1):71-76.(IF2010: 3.52)

[25]Chen J., Deng F., Hu Y.,Sun J. et al. Antibacterial activity ofgraphene-modified anode onShewanellaMR biofilm in microbial fuel cell.Journal of Power Sources, 2015,290: 80-86.(IF2015:6.172)

[26]Zhang Y., Hu Y., Li S.,Sun J.,et al. Manganesedioxide-coated carbon nanotubes as an improved cathodic catalyst for oxygenreduction in a microbial fuel cell.Journal of PowerSources,2011, 196: 9284-9. (IF2011:4.951)

[27]Li S., Hu Y., Xu Q.,Sun J.,et al.Iron-andnitrogen-functionalized graphene as a non-precious metal catalyst for enhancedoxygen reduction in an air-cathode microbial fuel cell.Journal of PowerSources, 2014, 213: 265-269.(IF2013:5.211)




[1]第一发明人,一种藻菌微生物燃料电池及其制备方法和应用,授权号:ZL 201310390750. X




















[2]美国国家科学基金会项目:“GOALI: Development ofa New Generation of Sensors based on metal/bacteria interfaces ”NSFGrantDBI-0454861), $ 299,987

[3] NSFC-广东联合基金:东江饮用水源区水污染风险与控制原理(U1401235),2015-2018,235万。











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