近日,广东工业大学环境健康与污染控制研究院、环境科学与工程学院安太成教授团队题为《Human exposure to BTEX emitted from a typical e-waste recycling industrial park: external and internal exposure levels, sources, and probabilistic risk implications》的学术论文在环境领域顶尖国际期刊Journal of Hazardous Materials(2022, 437:129343)杂志上发表。论文第一作者为博士后刘冉冉,通讯作者为安太成教授。该研究以我国某典型电子垃圾回收工业园区为研究区域,对园区内外环境大气中BTEX的污染水平及其污染特征进行详细数据分析,探讨了电子垃圾职业拆解工人的苯系物(BTEX)实际内暴露水平与其外暴露水平的相关性,揭示了BTEX对职业暴露人群基于内外暴露水平的累积致癌风险。本研究可以为减少电子垃圾拆解回收过程BTEX暴露和健康影响提供了重要科学依据。


Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) can be released during extensive activities associated with the disposal of electronic waste (e-waste), which might pose deleterious health effects on workers. In this study, pollution profiles of BTEX in air and their urinary excretive profiles in occupational workers were investigated in a typical e-waste recycling industrial park. The results showed that the workers in the park were generally exposed to high levels of BTEX. The median levels of urinary metabolites were approximately 6-orders of magnitude higher than those of unmetabolized BTEX, indicating that pollutants efficiently metabolize at those occupational levels. The analytes presented differential profiles in external and internal exposure. Among the metabolites, significant correlation (p < 0.05) was observed between N-acetyl-S-benzyl-L-cysteine (S-BMA) concentration and atmospheric individual BTEX derived from the e-waste recycling area, suggesting that S-BMA is a potential marker for BTEX exposure to e-waste occupational workers. Notably, 95.2% of all the workers showed a cumulative carcinogenic risk induced by BTEX exposure via inhalation, with 99.9% of the carcinogenic risk distribution based on concentration of benzene metabolite (N-acetyl-S-(phenyl)-L-cysteine) exceeding 1.0E-6. This study holds potential in providing valuable inferences for the development of remediation strategies focusing on BTEX exposure reduction to protect workers’ health at e-waste recycling industries.